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Yes Past Prophet that works, but depending on their open mana you might be better off remanding their counterspell back to their hand so that your bomb resolves.
Posted By: person1234 (9/25/2009 1:05:54 PM)


the true power of this card is when you counter your own storm spell and cast the storm spell again which doubles the storm count on it.
Posted By: Megrimage (2/20/2010 3:13:08 PM)


Don't see it as a counterspell more of a bounce card that can bounce spells on the stack and don't cost you a card. You have to look at this card as a timewalk on the first few turns. You slow down that agro deck just enough so you can survive against there first onslaught without losing any card advantage. Potentially getting closer to that 4th land or the Wrath of God you need to blow up the field a few turns later. Late game it can buy you the turn you need to stabilize or kill your opponent. It’s a versatile tool for any control player to ad to its deck alongside the actual counterspell’s.
Posted By: Milliardo_MV (8/15/2009 12:18:30 AM)


The flavor text is pretty funny as well.
Posted By: MagicalSeventh (2/19/2010 6:36:14 PM)


It's time walk! It cost 1U to play, your opponent misses a turn, and you draw a card!
Posted By: channelblaze (7/26/2010 3:55:51 PM)


I never used to understand why this card is good, but I finally realized that is is a less mana-specific boomerangthat can draw you a card and target spells. No denying a Counterspell is better, but late - game it's better than Mana Leak.
Posted By: mrywkoob (4/6/2009 6:03:33 PM)


Should be in the base set. If not, it needs to be reprinted somewhere.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (6/23/2011 10:07:13 AM)


Remand is pretty hilarious with anything that copies it twice. You remand their spell, the two copies go on the stack. You have one of the copies target their spell, and the other copy target your original Remand. Copy 2 resolves, countering your Remand and returning it to your hand, you draw a card. their spell is countered and returned to their hand, you draw a card. Look at that, countered a spell, got 2 free cards, and you can do it again if you want! Hilarious!
Posted By: El_Pared (4/20/2013 3:38:02 AM)


I loved this card when I played blue. This essentially says, no turn two for this game, it's turn three now. Which is exactly what control / Dragonstorm decks want.

I absolutely hated this card when my turn two beater met this. One less turn to deal the necessary 20, and soon they were getting their UrzaTron assembled / blocking off with Skeletal Vampire / etc.

The player with more Remands usually won the counter war. That was, until Spell Snare saw print - and that was one of the reasons why Spell Snare was pretty strong (another being stopping the two-drop in Gruul, Scab-Clan Mauler when going second.)
Posted By: Gabriel422 (11/25/2010 1:55:08 AM)


Well said Zaneshift. Apparently the Pros agree this card is good:
Posted By: badmalloc (9/10/2011 12:24:59 PM)


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