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Community Rating: 2.797 / 5  (37 votes)
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In most other formats I would prefer Pyroclasm for the extra damage. But this card actually does a fair amount of work in my Pauper Cube. It's not unusual for Rain of Embers to wipe out 2 or 3 of an opponent's creatures since so many creatures in my Cube have 1 toughness. And on top of that it triggers bloodthirst.
Posted By: PauperCubist (7/22/2012 7:09:14 PM)


People, people. There are reasons to want to not hit 2-toughness creatures. This can be superior to Pyroclasm at times such as that.
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/22/2012 4:59:46 AM)


Fun with Death Pits of Rath
Posted By: DlCK (3/22/2013 4:39:57 PM)


This could work in an replicate deck, but otherwise it's good against a really annoying populate one.
Posted By: Casimir_the_Great (12/26/2013 11:50:29 PM)


Breath of Darigaaz or Earthquake are almost always better. This card is specifically to show you that sometimes you can build around 2-toughness while killing the other person's board and losing nothing.

It's limited fodder that misses the utility of it's cousins; but it's useable. A good 2-2.5 card.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/17/2014 1:07:58 PM)


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