Interestingly, this card can get rid of shrouded enchantments on your opponents' boards, if only temporarily...
Posted By:
(5/6/2010 12:18:58 PM)
If you earned enough profit from Phyrexian Etchings, Solitary Confinement, Contamination or Decree of Silence just return it to your hand ready to play it again if needed.
And for the offensive: Drake Familiar can also return all quests an opponent might have.
Posted By:
(5/18/2010 1:30:49 PM)
You guys don't understand this card.
It says return an enchantment, not one you control! While it may be conditional, this card is competitively costed, and allows you to bounce an enemy enchantment. The only problem is you have to take a dive if your enemy doesn't have one.
This is a GOOD card, believe it or not.
Posted By:
(6/9/2010 6:30:08 PM)
Compared to things like Welkin Tern, which did manage to see play (being an aggressive blue flyer), for a blue creature this guy is fine. Of course, it would have been better in its role as an uncommon with flash, but each set is only allowed so many uncommons.
I love the flavour too. Familiars in RPGs traditionally have little utility effects like what this creature has, and the drake varieties tend to be more aggressive than, well, cats or imps or some-such.
Don't bother comparing this to Kor Skyfisher. Skyfisher is white for chrissakes!
Posted By:
(11/28/2010 11:48:23 PM)
@Kryptnyt Nice synergy with Reality Acid. Kill even lands and planeswalkers in blue only!
Also came in the same set as Fists of Ironwood and other "I do something when I come into play" enchantments.
Posted By:
(6/7/2011 12:20:25 PM)
Take that, Bitterblossom! No really, I singlehandedly won a game this way with just 2 Familiars. It was awkward.
Posted By:
(9/1/2011 4:45:07 PM)
What's that? Your Helix Pinnacle has 98 counters on it? Not anymore.
Posted By:
(10/24/2011 1:57:24 PM)
Plays well with Reality Acid
Posted By:
(10/7/2010 12:52:22 PM)
Let's take a moment to look at the flavor text everyone, "Falconry is cool and all, if you're a ***."
Posted By:
(5/11/2011 5:06:10 PM)
Colfenor's Plans
Posted By:
(11/13/2010 3:28:27 AM)