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Anti-runeflare trap tech :)
Posted By: lorendorky (2/4/2011 5:12:00 PM)


errr...no one has really thought of Dark Suspicions with this?
Posted By: klauth (2/2/2010 2:50:21 PM)


A very weak card, but not entirely without it's uses. It fuses nicely with surprise use of the Hellbent mechanic, and more than a few cards in the Shards of Alara Block. If you have Sedris, the Traitor King already in play and a handful of expensive creatures, for example, for 1 mana you suddenly have a graveyard full of very cheap creatures to chose from. You can also give Lord of Extinction a quick boost, if he's looking a bit fragile or you just need one or two more P/T to make the difference between losing your creature and killing your opponent's.

Okay, not brilliant ideas and about 4 years too late, but it's better than it used to be! =)
Posted By: DarkbladeWraith (7/8/2009 3:59:50 PM)


All I can say about this card is that if you play this with a full hand with some back-up mana in a madness deck, surprise army!
Posted By: chainerrhysaltaiir (8/27/2009 8:58:27 PM)


Instant speed is just gravy.
Posted By: jeremywin (5/25/2013 11:24:40 AM)


of course it might be useful in a Hellbent deck, but i prefer discarding cards slowly for an effect, e.g. through Spellshapers instead. Or via Psychatog to have some fun with Madness effects.
but dependant on format, there are other cheap alternatives, also with different colors to get rid of your hand.
Posted By: Mode (2/17/2009 10:40:31 AM)


CARD OF THE DAY--One With Nothing – Saviors of Kamigawa rare. The art de***ion for One With Nothing reads, in part, "This spell purges all the thoughts from your head -- that's right, *your* head. Represent this however you want."
Posted By: liir007 (8/10/2009 8:47:42 PM)


One with Nothing may be my favourite Magic card ever.

I don't plan to play with it, and I don't find it particularly useful either. But I am fascinated by cards that cause an emotional reaction in me. And there is no card as shocking and (as ratchet1215 said), infuriating. When you first see it you feel like punching it through the screen, then you read the flavor text and after a few seconds, you are left in awe.

Posted By: Fenix. (1/13/2012 6:57:34 AM)


Hive mind+a megrim would make a fun combo. throw in some cheap blue draw spells and you can get an easy 14 damage.
Posted By: LokiGodofChaos (12/24/2009 9:22:57 PM)


Why not use Lion's Eye Diamond? If it's the money, Tireless Tribe or Putrid Imp are both better.

This sucks.
Posted By: Dragon_Whelp (4/2/2011 1:01:23 AM)


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