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Community Rating: 2.810 / 5  (63 votes)
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@ PhagePoker
It was a tiny bit relevant in the block it was printed in, there was boatloads of enchantments floating around.
Posted By: bigben013 (12/24/2009 9:36:05 AM)


Ironic that Random Card took me here right after Roo***er Matriarch.
Posted By: bfugitive (4/13/2011 9:53:36 AM)


Transmute's the only reason to play this card. Without Transmute, I would much rather run Go for the Throat, Eyeblight's Ending, Rend Flesh, or even Chill to the Bone. It's a combo fetcher that might kill something instead.
Posted By: MisterUndueAlarm (3/27/2011 10:00:20 AM)


There should be a separate rating system for EDH, because this card is amazing in it. I've used this to kill mean things with regenerate, other creatures that would have murdered my face off, pull exquisite blood to match my sanguine bond and grab other combos very often.

Not to mention that with the new set Diabolic Revelation can be grabbed and then fetch you a whole combo if you've done good mana ramp. (At times I can play this, then revalations and then drop Mikaeus and Triskelion in a single turn.)

I would guess it's too high cost for modern and vintage, but EDH has a great time with this.
Posted By: ElliotSternberg (12/18/2012 6:29:04 AM)


burning wish for brainspoil, transmute for ad nauseam
Posted By: mlanier131 (12/27/2012 12:49:01 PM)


@ Kelrath, @Kindulas
The problem is about the fact that you'll probably not running with many 5CMC in your deck. So by the time you will transmute it, you'll find between 1-2 and 4-5 card in your deck as a target, and maybe you'll not ready to play the tutored card next turn. I understand the Stuffy Doll - Guilty Conscience combo where Brainspoil can be useful, but how many card can kill this combo? Boomrang, Counterspell, Disenchant are three common and classic example, both between 4 and 5 stars, card with so many possibilities. Stuffy Doll and Guilty Conscience are both interesting and strong card, but if you need two other cards and 2BlueBlueBlackBlack (with Dizzy Spell) at your turn to then reach your combo, maybe the way is a little bit hazardous...

Furthermore, how many time the first card at the top of your library is the desirable card? This make Fleeting Distraction a 3,5 or 4 stars card?

So because the "main" effe... (see all)
Posted By: nimzo (6/7/2011 8:25:26 PM)


... Liliana Vess says hi.
Posted By: theAzaZeL (10/27/2011 10:14:38 AM)


In limited it's quite playable even if there isn't anything worth the transumation in you deck. In constructed it's a versatile tutor that can kill something when you're in need! It's nothing to laugh of because that means that your removal isn't a dead card even if there's nothing to kill. Of course you have to build your deck a little according to it, but it's no so difficult. Compare it to Expunge that's already a very good card!

@nimzo: The difference between draw a card and tutor for a desired card is so huge that if you don't understand it you may have some problem playing Magic... So comparing this with tutor effect with the "Draw a card" one of Fleeting Distraction doesn't make any sense.

Even if there's only one 5CMC remaining in your deck, if you need it, you'll be happy to draw Brainspoil. Even if you don't exactly NEED it, it's worth the transmutation if Brainspoil is a dead card at that moment.
I agree that it's cost doesn't ma... (see all)
Posted By: leomistico (8/9/2011 9:28:32 PM)


"Hey, what do you think of Brainspoil?"

"So-so, I prefer Grim Tutor for the effect."

"But... but Grim Tutor doesn't kill a cre--"

"BRAINSPOIL KILLS A CREATURE?!?!?!!??!?!?! oh man I thought it was a discard effect or something."

"You played like four decks with the card in it and you never actually read what the card actually did?"

"Can you tell me what ability Golgari Thug has?"


More people have hardcast freaking Force of Will than have hardcast Brainspoil. It might as well say "pat target creature on the head."
Posted By: Salient (8/8/2013 7:13:04 PM)


This is a fantastic tutor that can also be a very powerful kill spell. Why is this not rated higher?
Posted By: Luchian-D (6/6/2014 8:56:09 AM)


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