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Great card to use with Nacatl War-Pride. If you can give your own creatures Haste with something like Fervor or Emblem of the Warmind and then guarantee doing some damage (Gruul War Plow might do), you spark off an infinite loop of creatures attacking and multiplying exponentially as they do it. Impressive to see, although your opponent would never let it happen twice... =P
Posted By: DarkbladeWraith (2/2/2010 5:23:22 PM)


can be comboed but I see the greatest potential in any creature deck relying on numbers. You dont need a lot of creatures for this to finish the game even if opponent is still at 20. insane card 5/5
Posted By: rawsugar (3/1/2011 12:52:11 AM)


Two creatures + splinter twin + anything that prevents blocking + this = infinite combat phase
1-Put this on the creature without spliner twin
2-Create the copy
3-Atack with the creature and the other one's copy token
4-Sac and move this to the copy
5-Create a new token and attack with both
6- 4,5,4,5,4,5,4,5,4,5,4,5...
Posted By: luxma (4/11/2011 5:21:08 AM)


@18scsc - Only seven? I can wipe the board of any number of players, should I manage one of my combos...and it's in blue (via direct damage, of all things).
Posted By: Alsebra (5/30/2011 2:48:06 AM)


Brass Squire and a Whispersilk Cloak - Guaranteed extra turns.
Posted By: Raknorak (8/3/2011 11:20:20 AM)


Similarly to Splinter Twin, I've also used this to good effect with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker.
Posted By: sonorhC (9/21/2011 11:24:59 PM)


I was confused about the name for a long time. But I was just reading the Aeneid, and in book 7 they use the phrase "breathing fury". And it kind of makes sense, given the backstory. Basically the native people of Italy had tamed deer and everyone loved it, but then it was shot by a Trojan prince named Ascanius while he was hunting. The native Italians were so mad that they were described as "breathing fury". They then went to war with the Trojans over the dead deer.
So the flavor of this card is that you allow one of your creatures (the deer) to get killed so that your people "breathe fury" and attack the other player (again).
The autocards are for illustrative purposes.
Posted By: Thornhillforge (9/29/2013 10:37:18 AM)


I guess it could be combined with Infiltator's Magemark for an even easier (and in-block) combo
Posted By: exterion (11/23/2010 7:39:48 AM)


In fact, enchanting something with power 2 or greater with this card and Elemental Mastery is also an infinite attack combo. Just hold on to one elemental per attack.
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (8/13/2010 10:18:21 AM)


Wow... It never stops! ^_^
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/22/2009 10:14:33 AM)


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