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Community Rating: 2.833 / 5  (45 votes)
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I have no desire to play this card, but the flavor text is awesome.
Posted By: BMorel (10/13/2009 2:55:05 PM)


yet another card leaving us asking: Why?
Posted By: xd4 (2/23/2010 5:38:41 PM)


I understand that when it comes to Red/Blue - the designers want a player to think.. it's that "genius theme" that Red/blue has.. but.. so many of the Red/Blue cards are just.. frustrating.. meanwhile Green/Black is obviously the most favored of the enemy color combos.. Why does it seem the majority of Red/Blue cards are crippled and overcosted? C'mon design.. don't try to dissuade people from this color combination and don't think it's just counter and burn..! Think, research, study what Red/Blue can do.. yes, in Ravinica they were the heating and plumbling guild, - good job.. keeping going! It's about what happens when you mix opposites! THIS IS WHERE Violet Mana should come from.. and Violet mana should only be accessible by mixing red/blue - and allow it to create new things.. hurtful illusions, chimera - and yes the centaur is the epitome of red (passion) and blue (intellect) - but you've got them linked to the green pastoral/sylvan forest flavor.. so where' the Aesthir, ... (see all)
Posted By: CometKing (8/7/2011 8:43:57 PM)


This is a cool concept, but it is very overcosted.
Posted By: Galgus (9/5/2010 3:19:26 PM)


I Agree With PetraHydroxide
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/15/2009 5:18:28 PM)


I agree that this card is overcosted. It can't be the target of anything, including Psychotic Fury, which in an Izzet deck you'd already be packing for your Wee Dragonauts. More often than not the can't-be-targeted part would hurt you more than help. For instance, suddenly random meh cards with cantrips like Quick Change become Pay 2: Bounce target opponent's Petrahydrox and draw a card. 3 mana wouldn't have hurt this guy, especially if they had made it 1{(U/R)}{(U/R)}. Hell, I'd even like it for {(U/R)}{(U/R)}{(U/R)}.
Posted By: sarroth (9/11/2010 8:31:55 PM)


Hill Giant sux. Giant Octopus sux. What made Wizards think that melding the two and stapling on a drawback would make the result not suck?

Still, the art and flavour text make this at least a 3.5. Plus, it's a Weird.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (10/27/2010 12:45:40 PM)


Terrible card. Should have cost 2R/U, and should have been a 4/4. Or should have had flying. Then we'd be interested.

Or, it should have had "Whenever Petrahydrox is the target of a spell or ability, return it to your hand and deal 3 damage to target player."
Posted By: Wulfsten (12/10/2012 1:00:13 AM)


We need to think like real Izzet geniuses to find this card useful. I can hear this implicit message: "want to avoid receiving damage from my weird? Cast anything on it to prevent it!"
Also, blue and red don't give you 3/3 common rarity creatures for 4 mana easily, they pack a drawback. So I find this... genius!
Posted By: GabrielRockMan (1/3/2012 6:59:30 PM)


PetraHydrox combines with Tibor and Luminia fairly well - which is also in this set. Cast PetraHydrox, give Tibor and Luminia flying, do one damage to all creatures without flying, and return PetraHydrox to your hand. Next turn, repeat.
Posted By: FargoJake (8/11/2010 7:10:21 PM)


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