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Such an awesome card. And it's a Wizard!
Posted By: Axelle (5/5/2011 5:11:21 PM)


I recently put this guy + Curiosity into my Mindmoil/Archmage Ascension deck.

Once ascension gets turned on (or earlier with luck), a typical game goes something like this.

1. Tap Niv-Mizzet, draw a suitable amount of the remainder of the deck, to inflict damage to an opponent.
2. Play a spell... any spell... and Mindmoil causes me to put my deck back down and draw it all over again, doing gobs of damage to any opponent(s) or creature(s) I choose.
3. If for some reason there is an opponent still living... Fine. End my turn, discard down to seven cards and cast Mnemonic Nexus during their upkeep
4. Repeat the above processes.

I threw this against a friends cleric deck that's designed for multi-player specifically to prevent damage (Battletide Alchemist and such) and to gain life. I did 200 some damage to him, not counting what was prevented, over the course of three t... (see all)
Posted By: Tonymitsu (6/12/2011 11:27:27 PM)


Why not take the Curiosity combo a little further. It's obviously not infinite, although everyone seems to think it is, because you only have so many cards in your deck, which, by the way, you just drew all of. What are you going to do if you deal all that damage, and your opponent pulls some trick to save themselves (i.e. Safe Passage). Well, start with a Spellbook or Reliquary Tower, Psychic Possession so you don't have to draw, which would cause you to deck out (or even better, splash white for a Solitary Confinement, and maybe Library of Leng so you could discard to the top of your library and use Niv-Mizzet to keep on drawing). Presto! Now you have your whole deck in your hand, and its going to be difficult for your opponent to touch you.
Alternative: Include one of the legendary eldrazi in your deck (such as Ulamog, the ... (see all)
Posted By: Faildini (6/30/2011 3:28:32 PM)


Ah, the mighty guildmaster. He only gets better with age, especially as a Commander. With new cards like Past in Flames out to abuse, he can be completely unstoppable.

By the way, for those wondering why his neck is so abnormally long, he cast a spell on himself a few thousand years ago so he can reach the potions on top of the shelf without using a ladder. Niv-Mizzet hates ladders.
Posted By: MizziumSculptor444 (10/9/2013 5:35:04 AM)


His Flavor Text
(Z–>)90º – (E–N²W)90ºt = 1

Z-> turned Clockwise turns into NIV
N² = NN
E-NNW turned Clockwise turns into MIZZE

so put it all together you get
Posted By: mrredhatter (7/14/2011 11:13:54 AM)


this card includes easter egg
"(Z–>)90º – (E–N²W)90ºt = 1"

Z->90º = turn sideways
(E–N²W)90ºt = 1 = do 1 damage
also if you read his flavor text at 90º it reads niv-mizzet

Posted By: nathaze (2/1/2010 9:26:37 AM)


Dabooze, it isn't a mandatory infinite loop: Curiosity says you MAY draw a card.
Posted By: foreseeing pathwalker (5/15/2009 3:18:10 PM)


This card is my most favorite paradox in this game. (Paradox- see Mayael's Aria)

Tidings can lead to you winning the game. With Niv, in leading you to winning the game, it leads you to winning the game. Or, more simply, in winning the game you win the game.

He doesn't fall under the category of 'win moar' because card draw is essential (it is part of everyone's turn) and damage is fundamental. Fascinating.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (6/23/2010 2:58:51 PM)


why is this guy not rated 5/5,

tap draw a card, not that powerful
deal a damage to something whenever you draw, eh, so so, it has a tap ping draw

4/4 flier for 6, 2 of each enemy color, painful but for you more then opponent

Izzet awesomeness with combo potential out the roof, priceless

Posted By: Dingo777 (2/15/2010 8:52:09 PM)


Crazy for combos
Posted By: Haatweels (4/24/2009 6:25:45 AM)


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