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Community Rating: 4.173 / 5  (237 votes)
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I'm actually curious how this would work with the hypothetical mandatory version of Curiosity. Eventually you would run out of cards, break the combo and lose, but chances are before that your opponent would run out of life. Is it a draw because you both die, or do you win because they die first? It's important to note, however, that if it is a draw, it's not because of an infinite loop. It's because you both die.

But that doesn't matter, since Curiosity is NOT mandatory.
Posted By: SleetFox (4/28/2010 8:38:46 AM)


This card really embodies the Izzet spirit, which is the spirit of zany deckbuilders who aren't afraid of taking risks with unlikely cards. Ravnica block was one of my favorites of all time because each of its guilds played differently, and had a different feel - and this creature was definitely one of the all-stars of Guildpact.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/15/2009 7:43:53 AM)


...this guy is almost a one-man combo.

Seriously, look:

Ophidian Eye, Curiosity. Sticking this dude in an Izzet control deck, with the above mentioned cards, some draw, some Bolts, some counters, and you got yourself a deck!

4.5/5, just because I don't have one.
Posted By: Snaxme (2/23/2010 2:34:34 PM)


Having run an Izzet deck for five years, my opinion is obviously going to be a little biased in saving Niv-Mizzet is my favorite MtG card of all time.

But I don't care, either way this dragon is still amazing. Throwing in two of these and three Ophidian Eyes back when I was still rearing my deck up from the truly atrocious Izzet Gizmometry starter deck it started out as was the first legitimate combo I could pull off to go toe-to-toe with my older and younger brothers' far superior Orzhov and Gruul decks, respectively. My now formidible Izzet deck has seen a lot of changes since then, but Niv-Mizzet has been there for the long haul.

The funny thing about the originally flavored, curiously strong Niv-Mizzets combo is that it can also be used to keep your hand full; giving you almost permanent card advantage in most cases as you beat down your opponent. But, obviously, unless you're going up against a life-gain deck that has more life than you have cards in your library, dropping t... (see all)
Posted By: DaMaster012 (12/10/2011 6:44:36 AM)


A good card for limited and casual, especially multiplayer. He's big and powerful, but not so big and powerful - or mana efficient - that makes you an instant target. Other than in EDH with Curiosity or Ophidian Eye, natch.

I love his flavour text, too.
Posted By: stygimoloch (2/2/2009 4:02:02 AM)


your rating is to high so 0.5/5
FINE have 5 stars!
Posted By: dragonking987 (4/6/2011 6:11:39 PM)


Love This Dragon. I Mean Mind Springs ,Electrolyzes Remand ,Noggle Ransackers This Guy Is A Beast When I Got Three Of These On The Field (*** The Legendary Rule) Its Game Over
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/25/2009 5:36:00 PM)


Curiosity dont work with this card cause it causes a mandatory infinate combo which according to the rules says the game would end as a draw ............sorry no cheap win here.
Posted By: Dabooze (5/10/2009 6:40:31 PM)


You can't rate this anything but 5 stars.

For 8 CMC you get a 6/6 beater with a pseudo Underworld Dreams effect attached, as well as a little bit of late-game tempo. When you play it, your enemy needs a response or else.

Plus, it turns your Ponder and Serum Visions into burn. How cool is that?
Posted By: Jannissary (2/7/2012 2:45:39 PM)


Looks like the new Niv-mizzet combos with himself. Tap to draw a card, deal 2 damage (one from each) then draw one, and repeat. (since they have different names, the legend rule doesn't apply).

Posted By: phyrexiantrygon (9/6/2012 7:02:11 PM)


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