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Community Rating: 4.173 / 5  (237 votes)
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I was using this card in a battle. I tried to attack another card with this card. I thought because it was tapped I can draw a card. The other player said you can only tap it too draw a card, or to tap it to attack.

Can I attack and draw a card on the same move?
Posted By: asianjudo613 (12/24/2012 2:32:45 AM)


hahaha i get it the flavor text is great 5 stars lol
Posted By: spacechaser0001 (11/10/2009 10:31:36 AM)


At risk of going to that special hell for explaining a joke (Or talking in the theater), I must point out that the flavor text doesn't just say Niv-Mizzet, it says Niv-Mizzet is #1, basically. The '90*' things are telling you what is to be read sideways, anything except those expressions you read normally.

Also, Niv-Mizzet is #1!

Seriously, if you get he and Swans of Bryn Argoll on the field at the same time (Close enough in color, I run a Blue-Red deck with the combo) it's insta-win.

EDIT: Damn, I completely forgot about Ophidian Eye! MINE MINE MINE!
Posted By: Joseph_Leito (2/9/2010 7:20:05 PM)


love his flavor text
new one sucks
Posted By: avav (2/24/2010 2:28:06 PM)


this guy plus mind over matter ...
Posted By: PolarisDeNexum (7/5/2010 6:46:42 AM)


Great effect, I can just never get him into play as fast as I want.
Posted By: C5r1a5z0y (7/13/2011 11:41:45 PM)


Clarification concerning the Curiosity/Ophidian Eye combo. In both cards, there is the magic "may" clause. Moreover, you get to choose your target among all available creatures and players. It's a combo that doesn't backfire.

At every step of the way, priority is given to the appropriate players, and just before it's given, it's checked if there are players with life total<=0 or players who have attempted to draw a card from an empty library. These players lose the game. By the way, you just lost The Game.

If you're still here (probably done raging), I actually prefer Ophidian Eye by a lot, as it lets me combo literally out of nowhere. Great card.

Dragon Wizard. A single tear rolls down my cheek every time I summon him...
Posted By: Falgorn (8/20/2011 5:45:56 AM)


Just look at that flavor text! Show-off.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (3/9/2012 5:57:34 AM)


This card works well with Psychosis Crawler in multi-player scenarios. Also, pair either (or both) w/ Jace's Erasure. If you can get Niv, the Crawler, and a couple of Erasures on the the field you could potentially trigger multiple win conditions on multiple opponents at the same time!

Also consider:
Temple Bell
Flight Spellbomb
Panic Spellbomb
Molten Psyche

The spell bombs are useful for both card draw in Niv's colors and Metalcraft for Molten Psyche. Assuming you have a full hand and the opponent even has 2 or 3 this combo could unleash a mean 15 damage for only 3cmc ones you get the proper pieces in place.
Posted By: alphagprime (5/18/2012 12:23:54 PM)


I'm baaack! In return to ravinica. I will be in standard with the curiosity combo
Posted By: Justin133Nivmizzet1 (6/19/2012 4:53:54 AM)


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