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Niv-mizzet+Enter the infinite. There's your win condition
Posted By: Fardonyth (2/28/2013 11:16:00 AM)


This is my favorite general for EDH. Sure, he is a little less than casual (well as close as you can get to that in EDH) but he is a blast to play.

5 stars all around.
Posted By: All_Is_Dust (5/21/2013 8:22:07 AM)


It's my turn I have 1 life and no creatures I play niv mizzet and enchant it with curiosity then pass to my opponent then tap niv mizzet to go infinite he declares attackers with 3 creatures at the same time who dies?
Posted By: daniel92380 (6/5/2013 7:33:37 PM)


I've had some fun with Niv late-game with Consecrated Sphinx. Automatic 3 damage to your opponent every round, and your opponent can't pull any card drawing tricks either.

Unfortunately, hinging anything on getting two specific 6-CMC creatures out there at once is just not competition worthy without a deep plan around it. Fortunately, though, a good Izzet deck will have your opponent dealing with so much bombardment from other "Every time you cast an instant/sorcery" or "Every time you draw a card" effects that they might be too busy dealing with your other threats to get in your way.
Posted By: mrchuckmorris (6/16/2013 12:15:22 AM)


@ Enchantment_Removal
how the hell is "he helps you win in two ways" a paradox?


first off, you can't "attack a card". That's yugioh, in magic you attack a player. Anyhow -

you have to tap him to draw a card. Tapped creatures can't attack.

You have to tap to attack. If he's tapped, you can't tap him as a cost to draw a card.

So no, you can't draw a card and attack with him.


You win. He declares attackers, in response you tap niv to draw, deal 1 to your opponent, then he draws from curiosity, etc...and you win as long as you have more cards in your library than he has life, and he can't even disrupt the combo - if he casts a spell to kill niv mizzet or anything, in response, you continue comboing
Posted By: CogMonocle (6/22/2013 1:42:55 PM)


You would actually lose, and here is why.

Summoning sickness. You stated that you played both Niv-Mizzet and Curiosity on the same turn. You would not be able to tap him for his ability to draw because Niv-Mizzet does not have haste. So by the facts that you gave, you would infact lose.

Now, if you had another way to draw a card before the damage from the other creatures your opponent controls, or a way to give Niv-Mizzet haste, THEN you would win.
Posted By: Jedijoe (12/30/2013 3:57:46 PM)


@asianjudo613: No, if you tap him to draw a card, then he can't attack because he is already tapped. If you tap him to attack, then you can't use that tap to also draw. I used to make the same mistake with Skygames.

Combo him with Consecrated Sphinx for 1 damage on your turn and 2 on your opponents' turns, plus an extra for tapping? Sounds fun.
Posted By: Splume (2/11/2014 5:12:11 AM)


I actually like the Dracogenius better because he works as a draw engine for my Izzet deck. This guy only draws one and does one damage a turn. The Dracogenius keeps going as long as you have mana plus one; can race things and still keep getting you cards, and can blow up things that are trying to kill you.
Posted By: WindMasterArceus (3/28/2014 10:41:50 PM)


So 1337.
Posted By: angrybob4213 (4/6/2014 12:20:57 AM)


My 1st Commander ever, and still my best deck. I don't play it often as it is admittedly my most competitive deck, so it's usually reserved to take down other nasty Spike-ish decks.

While I wish Niv was less expensive, he's proven that he is one of the deadliest commanders around with multiple instant wins and infinite combos. I think six mana is fair, as I can usually win by around turn seven. Sometimes sooner if I can give him haste. My fastest wins result from getting Dream Halls out on turn five though, that's usually GG. 5/5.
Posted By: Phyrexian_Niv_Mizzet (5/28/2014 10:01:13 PM)


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