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Community Rating: 4.140 / 5  (86 votes)
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Flavorwise, this seems really weird for Azorius to have. You know, if we can't get them with our obstinate laws, sic the big kitty on them! Right?
Posted By: Totema (10/29/2013 1:59:06 AM)


Such a great card, with fantastic art thanks to none other than our beloved Rebecca Guay.
Can't wait to run in Derevi
Posted By: Petertracy (2/26/2014 6:42:15 AM)


@nibelheim_valesti and others that mentioned the art. It is not a single creature, it is 3 lions next to each other, hence the term pride.
Posted By: Jeydis (3/9/2014 12:42:40 PM)


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