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i have a question, if you have 2 anthems on the field, would you deal 3x or 4x, or would they not even stack?
Posted By: Terjak (3/10/2011 12:58:42 AM)


Had out just the Anthem and a Pyreheart Wolf and played an Arc Runner...Kinda sat there and thought about what I did for a minute.
Posted By: Zaskist (9/20/2012 12:22:16 AM)


That combo is nice, but really, you don't need to prevent the damage to yourself. If you are an aggro deck (and you should be if you are going for hellbent), you shouldn't care about the life loss.

This is more like an overrun effect that deals insane damage, but has some drawbacks. If you play it out right though, you can kill people extremely quickly with this - easily on the turn you play it.

Somethings as simple as thatcher revolt could end up doing 18 damage! Ya, sure, you take 6 damage, but who cares?
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/3/2013 7:56:55 AM)


Remember: the Hellbent double damage is in *ADDITION TO* the +2/0! Don't underestimate how big the boost is with Hellbent! This thing turns ALL your creatures--even lowly 1/1s--into heavy hitters when you have no cards in hand. 2x(pow+2) means 1/1s swing for 6, 2/2s for 10, and double strikers get 2x+8 damage. This is a fierce enchantment.
Posted By: RakdosRiot (8/12/2013 5:36:14 AM)


Posted By: tcollins (5/17/2014 2:02:04 PM)


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