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Community Rating: 4.134 / 5  (168 votes)
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Best flavor text in the entirety of Magic. It's poignant. It's succinct. It's so beautiful.
If only I could find a way to play this in Legacy.
Posted By: Evermint (6/20/2010 11:00:55 PM)


I wanna high-five whoever came up with the flavor text for this card.
Posted By: Polychromatic (2/26/2011 10:32:27 PM)


It's like a Rise from the Grave every turn for a CMC that is only higher by two, only has to be paid once, and can be paid with W and/or B instead of just B.

so powerful. 5/5
Posted By: ToidiDiPuts (10/24/2009 7:46:16 AM)


This thing is amazing simply because it isn't legendary and you can stack multiple of these in play.

This + Traumatize anyone?
Posted By: dberry02 (7/2/2011 11:36:14 AM)


awesome just for the fact of using an opponents graveyard to kill them. also fun with Sholdred, Whispering One
Posted By: nightmare_zombie (8/11/2011 1:16:54 PM)


Similar to Emeria, the Sky Ruin.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (8/18/2011 11:18:58 PM)


The flavour text is about a man dead (sense of repose), that just a moment after his death (The next moment) comes back to life against his own will. With a sense of resignation (He sighed ) he is blinded by the new-life light, and can't do anything about it...

I, too, didn't undestand the flavour text before, but thinking about it, it can be one of the most terrifying... Every word means something, and everything conveys a sense of impotence! Great flavour text!

I used to like this card but it has a very high casting cost, and despite Reya Dawnbringer it isn't a creature itself, so you can't reanimate it. However you can consider cards like Lost Auramancers (like NARFNra said) or Academy Rector...

Posted By: leomistico (6/11/2011 7:03:32 AM)


I really wish this card triggered both during your upkeep and when it came into play, M11 Titan style. It just has no immediate impact on the game (unlike Marshal's Anthem), and when I do get around to playing it it always gets removed.
Posted By: ratchet1215 (2/22/2011 3:53:58 PM)


One of the all time great enchantments. Hope they remember it when they do a From the Vault: Enchantments (and you know they will).
Posted By: TPmanW (11/2/2011 9:21:19 PM)


simply one of my favorite cards, just cause of the artwork and colors, Kev Walker is amazing
Posted By: BryanFR (9/22/2009 10:05:47 AM)


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