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Community Rating: 4.099 / 5  (96 votes)
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This is a great way to trigger your Deadhead. Unless the person wises up and brings their hand with them to get your drink.
Posted By: Lancer873 (2/16/2013 10:23:58 PM)


You know, before they errata'd this, I used to combo it out with Academy Ruins. I mean, that's how I made a living...
Posted By: Lueseto (5/25/2013 11:03:13 PM)


No. It just fizzes.
Posted By: Pick15 (8/24/2013 12:57:38 PM)


@Totema Since it never has you search their wallet for the money, they can just declare fail to find. This would be similar to sinking a lot of mana into Collective Voyage when the enter the battlefield trigger would cause them to lose. They would simply declare fail to find and call it a day.
Posted By: link47 (10/8/2013 12:54:53 PM)


I played this in a casual game at the mall for the first time recently... My opponent pointed out that it is void in Rhode Island and it fizzled. I never even read that fine print. Stupid card.
Posted By: Enelysios (2/17/2014 11:35:28 AM)


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