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Community Rating: 3.946 / 5  (28 votes)
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Disenchant it in response to the comes into play trigger. (Actual Disenchant won't work due to the one spell/turn clause, but Seal of Cleansing will, or Seal of Primordium for the in-color equivalent.) The leaves play trigger goes off first, and every player shuffles their entire graveyard and hand into their library. then the comes into play trigger goes off and they take that entire library into their hand, but without the security of the now absent draw clauses. Then play passes around the table, and unless any player has a single instant answer playable anywhere in their library, than each opponent loses on their draw phase.
Fair warning, it's amusing exactly once, and may very well destroy what joy people get out of this card from simply having full access to their library. Unglued cards are meant for fun, so make sure not to lose sight of that when toying with a card as brimming with potential as this beauty.
Posted By: Feathermind (1/7/2012 8:11:50 AM)


I don't understand why this is in Unglued. Then again, it's broken, so...
Posted By: dlgn (5/3/2012 2:01:57 PM)


Not as broken as Enter the Infinite. I think this would be a safe card to reprint in a legal format. I'd like to see it.
Posted By: Doaj (2/24/2013 2:05:59 AM)


Play Maro and other creatures like it for maximum Timmy beatdowns!
Posted By: Rouser (5/3/2013 7:21:12 PM)


howling mine, mine, mine!
Posted By: O0oze (1/24/2014 10:30:00 AM)


One word: Stifle.
Posted By: Serev (5/1/2014 8:05:41 PM)


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