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Community Rating: 3.518 / 5  (56 votes)
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This is such a kind of card which is so unique that I can't give it a low rating.
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (5/18/2010 1:52:59 PM)


No one ever saying "I'm a mathematician" on the Gatherer should be trusted.
Posted By: chrishocker (7/8/2011 12:17:34 PM)


Urabrask the Hidden? Is that you?
Posted By: Axelle (7/14/2011 8:07:56 PM)


2 of these and Meekstone. WUT EMRAKUL, I CAN'T HEAR YOU, YOU SAY YOU CAN'T UNTAP?! Death by Gelectrode.
Posted By: Psuedonaut (4/17/2011 11:56:41 PM)


what if you cast a {little girl}?
Posted By: mynameis832 (3/24/2012 6:57:00 PM)


Crabotage: Absolutely. Try asking some people. About half will be sure. The other would either guess or be wrong.
Posted By: Shiny_Umbreon (11/11/2010 10:53:23 AM)


I'd have liked this more as one-drop, given that i'd preferably play this with tokens and creatures with a converted cost of 2, therefore chosing even.
Posted By: Mode (9/22/2009 11:24:46 AM)


Kismet on evens, haste on odds. or viceversa. Very handy.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/24/2010 1:45:23 PM)


@catowner Actually it's much more interesting than just giving your guys haste. You keep your opponent from having a ready blocker, since all his creatures will come into play tapped, and you untap one of your creatures with haste as it comes into play. With more than one amulet, you can tap the creature again before the second trigger, to use an ability more than once in the turn you play the creature, or even attack with it after you've used the ability. You can also skip the Amulet, and play with some untappers.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (11/19/2010 1:13:37 PM)


Beekhead...not sure if legit.
This whole debate kind of depends on how we define even. If we use the concept of congruence to zero modulo two as the basis for "evenness", then zero is obviously (with "obviously" being a relative term) even.
Really, only in the most pure sense is Zero's evenness questionable, in practice, it is fairly consistently the case that it is.
That said, I am a fan of this card. I like the word "Prerogative". And it has some wonky effects when used agains a normally curved deck, so that's a plus.
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (1/10/2012 4:37:59 PM)


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