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Community Rating: 2.164 / 5  (55 votes)
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Hold the Line is happy
Posted By: Ezuna (2/19/2012 3:39:09 AM)


"I swing with my decently strong monsters"
"I block with enough power to kill them"
Bar the doors
"I don't die. next turn"
Posted By: Averyck (2/2/2012 5:28:25 PM)


The Whole -put in a doran the siege tower deck- is actually very very frightening. Doran already bashes face, and now all of his creatures will too. (not that they weren't to begin with)

I'm not very fond of saying "I want this card to do x too, please" but I feel as though this card really Really REEEAAALLY wanted Fateful Hour. Seriously, it's like the poster child. I really dont care what the fateful hour would have been, but I want it. Maybe "prevent all combat damage this turn" or "+4/+4" or, my favorite flavorful choice, flashback w. I think the ability to flash this back (and therefore stall the monsters of the night juuuust oooooone more turn would have been a huge step in excellent design direction.
Posted By: RAV0004 (1/27/2012 12:25:08 PM)


Like, the guy in the middle has a bandolier with wooden stakes rather than bullet clips....that is the most bad@ss attention to detail I've ever seen in magic art
Posted By: Niner9 (2/6/2012 8:25:51 PM)


Charming and endearing flavour text. What was that mention of Thraben Sorin spoke in the Dark Ascension trailer?

"Thraben's wall has been breached."

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzz.......
Posted By: Splizer (1/29/2012 5:46:42 PM)


Seems to be a definite improvement over Defensive Maneuvers.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (6/7/2012 9:38:40 AM)


You know, if you're running White, you're probably just gonna be chump blocking with tokens anyways. No real need to waste card spots in your deck for a +0/+4. At least it's Instant. I'm sure SOME WHERE at SOME TIME this card will save someone's ass. Like, once. Maybe.
Posted By: Dolorosa (1/26/2012 4:35:37 PM)


When I saw the art spoiled I thought it would belong to a much cooler card. Oh well, flavor remains in-tact here.

I'll give it a 3.5/5 because I used Eland Umbra in my casual aura and it has saved my skin.
Posted By: ThisisSakon (1/26/2012 7:22:03 PM)


Going into my Helm's Deep deck. Immediately.

Innistrad is great for making a Helm's Deep deck btw. Not so much in the way of horsed knights, but you get plenty of these too young and too old humans that are Consummately Screwed and all these cards that are just barely good enough on defense that they WILL technically keep you alive for a turn.

Why would a make a deck that can't win, and can barely stall? Two-Headed Giant Epicness. Stall with the weak deck, and then have Player 2 slowly build up and THEN bash some faces in when he reveals he's had a 1-turn combo in his hand the whole game, and was just waiting for the game to be at it's most epic before deciding when he wanted to win.

Posted By: DarthParallax (1/27/2012 9:47:51 AM)


Bar the Door _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4

Legendary Creature - Door

Bar the Door enters the battlefield with five shut counters.
As long as Bar the Door has any shut counters, all attacking
creatures are considered blocked.
Whenever a creature attacks you, remove a shut counter
from Bar the Door. If that creature is named
Battering Ram, destroy Bar the Door
2, Remove all shut counters from Bar the Door: Bar the
Door deals 3 damage to each attacking creature. Tap those
creatures and remove them from combat.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0/5

I was somewhat disappointed when I clicked on this card and did not see something like that. Oh well, +0/+4 to all your creatures is pretty cool, especially if it makes them live through combat or Destructive Force. Or you could bar the door with increasing vengeance to survive a bla... (see all)
Posted By: Lord_of_the_Real (1/28/2012 1:20:21 AM)


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