Best art in the set? Best art in the set.
Posted By:
(2/1/2014 12:43:58 PM)
I got a foil one of these at the prerelease. Trust me, it looks amazing.
Posted By:
(3/2/2014 12:45:27 PM)
Looking forward to pulling this at pre-release, much improved scry tapping over Witches' Eye. Very good enabler, and same with Retraction Helix.
Posted By:
(1/31/2014 6:19:45 AM)
Them's some beautiful eyes. Pretty good effect, too.
Posted By:
(1/28/2014 5:48:30 PM)
favorite art in the set. so pretty. ^_^
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 9:40:02 AM)
In addition to being a FANTASTIC (if vulnerable) draw engine itself, the synergy with Inspired is nothing short of obscene.
Posted By:
(2/3/2014 2:30:11 PM)
Inspiration and Heroic enabler all in one. Be sure to play on a creature ready to tap so if they have removal for this you can at least get one card out of it.
Posted By:
(2/15/2014 9:40:47 PM)
Favorite card in the set. Would have been better as 2U but this art.
Posted By:
(1/28/2014 3:56:32 PM)
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.
Posted By:
(1/28/2014 5:03:46 PM)
Combos with Puresight Merrow for as many cards as you have
. Or maybe you want a scary creature and some cards with Umbral Mantle.
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 10:40:37 AM)