Flavor Text makes it.
Posted By:
(12/27/2009 1:16:30 AM)
beast in a doran edh
Posted By:
(3/24/2010 12:03:55 PM)
casual magic staple
Posted By:
(1/11/2011 9:19:16 PM)
I would really like this to damage players, but oh well. Still has epic irony kill on Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief. Also makes me wish Levitation was an enchant player. 7 toughness for
makes for an effective wall. and that is really what spiders are for. A role model for its tribe.
Posted By:
(6/22/2011 9:39:37 AM)
My personal favourite anti-air card.
Sweep the board of fliers, at anytime you feel.
Seven toughness for 5cmc is nice, and the two power is not usually relevant, as it really is a blocker.
I remeber when my friend tapped out for ten, floated 7, Early Harvested, pumped another ten and shot down Emrakul with it.
Good times...
Best spider ever,
Posted By:
(3/16/2012 4:44:45 AM)
yep. totally deck worthy.
Posted By:
(3/21/2010 5:10:31 AM)
In some senses, it's fantastic of course.
However, Defense is just plain different from Offense. You CAN'T run this without Deadly Recluse. that's suicide. The Flying deck you want to kill will just run Fliers that are too expensive for you to kill profitably and Reanimate them faster than you can cast your Spider. So, that's a wee problem. Then the Angers start coming out and making it worse.
Baneslayer Angel or Akroma or Avacyn, on the other hand, can just Win you the Game on their own.
This CANNOT Defend you on its own, or Save Your Life on its own the way the Game can be Won by a loner tank. BUT the good news is Defense isn't LOOKING for things that do that, not really. What it's looking for is ROLE-PLAYERS ON A TEAM.
If your Defense Grid is, say, one of the 1970's-90's versions of the Avengers, then Silklash Spider is going to be as MVP as Captain Am... (see all)
Posted By:
(8/22/2013 12:36:06 PM)
Twisted Image is awesome.
Posted By:
(10/12/2011 11:47:54 AM)
Seems like Josh is just as big a fan of MasterOfEtherium's comments as I.
Posted By:
(9/21/2010 4:46:25 PM)
Solid Green Flying Defense
Posted By:
(12/14/2008 12:10:45 PM)