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Community Rating: 2.326 / 5  (43 votes)
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At first I thought the card is horrible, but then I started playing it in Commander / EDH decks, that have few carddraw (like mono red or mono white). There it's not bad, especially when you play it on turn two. Since you start with 8 cards no matter if you go first or not, playing this on turn two will allow you to keep drawing an additional card from turn three on, for a very low cost.
Sure, when you topdeck it late game it's pretty bad. But many cards are pretty situational, and I think the card is worth it's slot in EDH / Commander decks that are low on card draw.
Posted By: majinara (5/26/2010 2:08:18 AM)


Is 4 mana worth while for your first draw? Even assume you have seven cards in hand when you cast this, it's hardly worth it. Library of Alexandria was powerful because it's a land, not only it couldn't be countered, its effect was free. Given the same requirement, the Scroll asks for too much.

If you are running an aggro or burn deck, you won't find seven cards in your hand aside from the beginning. LoA could draw cards early on whereas Scroll cannot be used early enough. If you play control deck, you would have methods of card draw with or without the scroll.
Posted By: Cyberium (6/26/2010 2:32:05 PM)


Oh great, even more cards!!!

but it IS awesome in an "Have as much cards in your hand as you can" deck.
Posted By: GoGo26 (9/29/2009 1:54:12 PM)


Can't be countered. Doesn't make mana. Costs two to play and two more each time to play. Considerably more vulnerable to destruction.

Hmm... sorry. Try again.
Posted By: Kirbster (12/20/2010 12:32:39 PM)


When I have a full hand, my first priority is always "if only I had a spell that made me draw cards". Wonderful!
Posted By: Sironos (5/10/2010 1:37:01 PM)


Terrible without a Spellbook.
Posted By: land_comment (2/25/2011 12:33:06 PM)


This card compares well to Library of Alexandria for what its worth. Library is better. Better by far. But this card is closer to Library than so many other cards, it's scary.

No modern card should have to ante-up to LIBRARY before you find suitable replacements.
And if you are playing spellbook it is Jayemdae Tome at HALF PRICE.
why is this not a 5-star card? the decks that want this should be able to beat the conditional easily...
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/7/2011 10:47:22 PM)


This card deserves a much better rating. Not a 4/5, but maybe a 3/5.
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (4/28/2011 5:24:41 AM)


There are many, many more cards that deserve a place in an EDH deck before this one. Lots. Oodles.

My "big 3" of EDH card advantage are Mind's Eye, Planar Portal and Tower of Fortunes. There are plenty more that may be better than these 3, but these can go into any deck.
Posted By: RxPhantom (8/2/2011 10:22:27 PM)


If you combine it with a lot of other card draw - and of course a spellbook or Venser's journal - it would work quite well.
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (11/28/2011 1:36:08 PM)


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