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Really funny/mean to play this in Commander, and use Zedruu the Greathearted it over to someone not playing a white commander; completely denies them access to any colored spells
Posted By: Razbot (6/23/2011 3:03:51 PM)


This also gets around Painter's Servant.
Posted By: MTGFreak (1/13/2010 1:39:22 AM)


A 5 color deck with a monowhite mana base... O.o ...
Posted By: Etregan (11/26/2009 3:17:13 AM)


@endersblade Actually, it does work in EDH. The rules state, "A deck may not generate mana outside its colours. If an effect would generate mana of an illegal colour, it generates colourless mana instead." Also, "A card's colour identity is established before the game begins, and cannot be changed by game effects."

So if you give this to someone and their general isn't white, their general becomes white and their lands become Plains. But since the deck's colour identity can't be changed, all those Plains will produce colourless mana, leaving them unable to cast coloured spells.

You're right about not wanting to donate it in any non-EDH game, though.
Posted By: AFolcon (10/13/2011 8:48:11 PM)


@Nagoragama - It took me a while to notice this, but it's showing a transformation thing. Outside the circle it's rough and Red-looking creatures, like dragons and what seems to be goblin or ogre legs. Everything in the circle is light and happy and nice, and the dragons and goblin/ogre turn into...something with butterfly wings and a human.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (1/25/2011 3:02:56 PM)


Interesting card for a multi-color deck.
Posted By: jilting_joker (10/5/2009 12:52:03 AM)


Posted By: Hand_Bannana (1/16/2010 6:14:59 PM)


This opens you up to Grindstone in the worst way.

I guess it would make summoning stuff like Child of Alara easier.
Posted By: Salient (8/26/2011 3:04:35 AM)


I've never been a fan of cards such as Celestial Dawn and Prismatic Omen, for much the same reason I'm not a fan of Mana Cylix. All the aforementioned cards fix your mana, but they still require a whole card out of your deck to do only that. They don't actually give you access to more mana, which playing something like a Cultivate or a Signet would (and these cards could simultaneously help gain access to additional colors of mana while doing so). You can just get around color screw by simply using a combination of a solid mana base along with running accelerants. Outside of decks with Sen Triplets, if you need this level of color-fixing you probably should rethink the cards in you're using.
Posted By: scumbling1 (5/26/2011 1:24:09 PM)


The Whitest Card U Know
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (2/5/2011 6:32:18 PM)


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