this combos well with gravecrawler to get the stuff you want without losing much but 2 black mana essentially.
Posted By:
(12/28/2012 1:53:19 PM)
Similar to Tortured Existence, just a few dredge creatures in your deck effectively gives all of your guys "{B}: Dredge X" (where X is whatever the first card had..)
Stuff like this works amazing with Stinkweed Imp as it give you a 5-card dig for your creature. Shriekmaw is a good example of a powerful combo with this. That said, I'd rather keep it in enchantment form. This guy can attack, be reanimated, etc.. but enchantments, especially 1-mana unimportant ones, are annoying to destroy. There are trade offs, but I too recommend Tortured Existence.
Posted By:
(3/25/2013 7:05:18 AM)
one important difference between Tortured Existence and this:
this lets you discard ANY card, not just creatures;
throw away extra lands, good for Worm Harvest, etc
Posted By:
(4/20/2013 12:12:11 PM)
this is also a creature, so if you happen to dredge it, crypt of argadeem on the field, it boosts your creature count, unlike existence. plus tortured existence only lets you discard creatures.
and it can chump block :D
Posted By:
(5/10/2013 6:44:57 PM)
Except with this you can discard noncreature cards
Posted By:
(1/20/2014 10:16:33 AM)