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cool ability
Posted By: gasimakos1 (9/1/2009 12:03:57 PM)


The toughness kills it (literally) all to often... heck... Prodigal Sorcerer trumps this guy! I lost a lot to Spikeshot Goblins. However, if you can get it tougher, and meaner, it's a beast!
To be honest though, the only reason I don't have 4 in my cat-equipment deck... is that I only own 1 lol!
Posted By: Malnourished_Student (2/18/2010 1:20:12 AM)


Needs a higher toughness.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/6/2010 5:15:43 AM)


To bad cats and knights don't have a +1/+1 lord, white does however have +1/+1 enchantments in abundance.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (3/8/2010 12:00:36 PM)


This guys is great. 4/5 minimum. Mirran Crusader is more or less the same, except even more fantastic. cut flying for protection from Black and Green? Green saves from zoo creatures, Black from Vamps and Phyrexians. Not to mention Doom Blade & Friends.
Just in case people had forgotten that cheap double strike is good. We get it, Wizards. We get it. xD
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/7/2011 7:34:59 PM)


Equip with anything that has "when equipped creature deals combat damage, X", especially with Sword of Fire and Ice or Umezawa's Jitte, to get double the effect. Turn 4 attack w/ Jitte gets you 4 charge counters. Turn 5 swing with a 9/9 double strike for the win (or just 4 more charge counters). The evasion is key too.
Posted By: Attract (10/28/2011 10:41:19 AM)


Where does that flavor text come from? Did R&D have some flavor text already thought up that couldn't fit on the finished card?
Posted By: ScissorsLizard (11/19/2011 2:58:32 AM)


Now I would like to say this one thing... Not every creature in MTG can be burn proof... So that being said, I think this guy is great... As I've said before I'm a serious fan of white... Alot of people may not see things the way I do, but in my white weenie deck, this guy is my work-horse... I have tried to see if anything can replace him... With no luck might I say... You just have to look at him like he's a red creature in white creatures clothing... Job de***ion.... "Turn side ways, every turn till something kills me..." He's perfect in the deck because weenies run 4 to 8 equips (sword of fire and ice, light and shadows) that can help his offense out... 4.5/5... And if you don't think he's that that good, then we need to play...
Posted By: Shannnnoonn (11/30/2011 3:12:50 PM)


Crap just +1 power and thats 4 damage in the air. Honor of the Pure comes to mind. For players on a bigger budget, any of the swords would be devastating.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/12/2012 1:28:14 AM)


2 words: EXALTED
(maybe it's only 1)
Posted By: DonBot1987 (3/4/2013 8:38:37 AM)


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