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i use this in a dragon reanimator deck and it works great.

here is the combo.

second turn play apprentice necromancer
third turn play buried alive
4th turn sac the necromancer bring out bladewing, then tyrant of jund and attack with both.
end of turn sac bladewing, tyrant of jund stays in play and from now on all dragons you controll gain haste

you should be able to end a game within 6 turns at most.
Posted By: joboo99 (8/11/2009 7:23:27 AM)


you could create a loop with two of these and Carnival of Souls. it's not the best combo since you need a fourth card to do anything, but at least it's a cheap, monocolored block constructed infinite combo.^^

Edit: I never said it's an infinite loop, guys :P
But you're right nibelheim_valesti, this would at least give this combo some sense...then again, it can neither be argued that it's a block-constructed combo, nor that it's a cheap monocolored one anymore, so in the end we're just left with a pretty crappy Legacy combo^^
Posted By: Mode (5/22/2011 3:28:15 PM)


"two of these and Carnival of Souls. it's not the best combo since you need a fourth card to do anything"

Except lose as much life as you feel like. Not the best win with Near-Death Experience, but maybe the funniest.
Posted By: nibelheim_valesti (6/17/2010 4:11:08 PM)


Tell me... Would this work?
...Say you have something like Mortician Beetle or Grave Pact out... Can you sacrifice this guy, bring him back with his own ability, then sacrifice him again and keep doing that for all the mana you have? That'd be pretty cool.

Regardless, he's still a fantastic card.
Posted By: Nip_Gwyllion (3/1/2011 12:49:04 PM)


Ghoulcaller's chant makes this guy especially good.

Consider discarding Demon of Death's Gate, reanimating him, then rite of consumption for an easy 18 health loss to an opponent.
Posted By: blurrymadness (9/26/2013 3:26:18 PM)


Mikaeus the Unhallowed EDH, seriously, this guy gets degenerate in that deck.
Posted By: NissasChosen (11/17/2013 11:22:41 AM)


Ah I see he unearths for {B}! Pretty cool, though I hate having to exile a creatu- Wait, does that say... "sacrifice" it?

Posted By: Tribor (6/5/2014 9:13:48 PM)


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