War_Elemental: Nope. Heartlash Cinder. (Also Fiery Bombardment if you animate it)

So continues my neverending quest to prove that nothing is actually strictly better than anything! (okay not really)

@everyone: Yeah, yeah, I know. Although in fairness, I usually look at "A is strictly better than B" as "There is no reason to use B in a deck over A". That excludes things like the Mindslaver situations automatically, and there do exist situations where Deepwood Ghoul would be a better card to use in a specific slot than lotus (example: deck combos off the Ghoul, rendering the lotus much less useful than it). Strictly better, to me, means card B can literally never be included in a deck without card A being a better option (barring bizarre metagame situations like using Shatter to dodge Mental Misstep).

I consider this to be functionally worse than Goblin War Paint: In your "average"... (see all)