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Community Rating: 4.803 / 5  (114 votes)
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Into the cube!
Posted By: Ace_Rimmer (7/22/2009 2:23:42 AM)


OK um, no this card does NOT touch Library of Alexandria... It's good but not that good. Back before Library was restricted, you could actually tap 4 Library in response to each other and draw 4 cards for NO life points or draw backs.

I sometimes miss those days of no restricted list or banned list. Back when it was totally legal to have like 15 Library of Alexandria in a deck, or having a deck that was basically 4 of each mox and 4 Lotus to pop out something huge every turn. Good times ;)
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (3/12/2010 11:57:33 AM)


The Skull.

Looks like an Elephant Graveyard. Play in Ajani Vengeant for *** and giggles?
Wait...that's Kaalia colors....you know what....on second thought, DON'T do that. :/
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/24/2012 12:34:11 PM)


This is great in a black/white deck. Especially one like mine when you can get to 5 million life by turn 6-8. (Wall of Reverence + Cradle of Vitality + Ajani Goldmane... multiplying your life total by 4 every turn. I want this card.
Posted By: Th3_Dark_On3 (5/27/2009 5:04:42 PM)


Still not banned in EDH... yet Yawgmoth's Bargain is. Meh.
Posted By: pedrodyl (5/31/2012 2:22:15 PM)


.5/5 for a mistake in development and warping formats.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/13/2013 11:22:42 PM)


Combos with magic cards.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/29/2013 9:56:15 PM)


Please explain how this card works. My opponent still draws but I don't. Then if I want to draw a card i have to pay one life. What was the combo behind this that mad it awesome. As of now I see you can't get more cards unless you pay life.
Posted By: DDMTGGeek (10/4/2013 12:01:10 PM)


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