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Not very creative but: Forced Fruition
Posted By: Zoah (1/4/2012 7:30:56 PM)


someone just kneecap this slackwarewolf guy already
Posted By: Fitchen_Kinks (4/30/2011 7:35:38 PM)



That combo is not only amazingly fun in EDH, but with the addition of the new M12 Jace, and a blast from his ultimate ability, your opponents will HATE you.
Posted By: Astraea (7/14/2011 8:57:15 PM)


Awesome EDH, In my Sharuum the Hegemon deck I just tutor up this, Donate, and Colfenor's Plans, this leaves them to think creatively with one spell and no draws. After that I use cards that make both of us draw cards Jace Beleren, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, and Temple Bell to command there draw, and they get damaged! XD while my life would go up do too something like Venser's Journal or they'd take more damage from Psychosis Crawler. Definitely a good EDH Card.
Posted By: Megablaster326 (2/23/2012 6:11:44 PM)


Combine this with Forced Fruition and your opponent loses.
Posted By: Osmodius (9/1/2009 11:24:44 AM)


This card spanked people back in the day, it was restricted and only targeted one player.

You'd lotus or rit underworld on the table.

then Wheel of Fortune

then Windfall


Memory Jar

even the Ancestral Recall became a finisher.

Not to mention almost all the players played those cards as well, making them very painful.

Posted By: Pontiac (3/19/2011 12:01:32 PM)


5/5 This card has a special place in my heart. Love the art Carl Critchlow!!!
Posted By: Silence9 (1/17/2012 4:30:05 AM)


We play the EDH precons, and I have this card in it.

It completely messes up the political puppets deck.
Posted By: muggtonp (2/22/2012 6:33:27 PM)


If you add Megrim to that, you end up with
Kederekt Parasite + Underworld Dreams + Sign in Blood + Burning Inquiry + Megrim

If you have all of those down, on one turn they will take 2 from the initial draw, 6 from Signing, 12 from Burning Inquiry. 20 damage. But still, five card combo. Underworld and 2 Megrims with Inquiry would deal 15 damage.
Posted By: Elysiume (7/18/2009 11:45:19 PM)


SlackWareWolf, if you've been playing so long, go to a nursing home cause you're cantankerous and senile. Nob.
Also, Kederekt Parasite is sorta the same thing, so pick your poison. 3.5/5, but it would be awesome to turn an Ancestral Recall into a Lightning Bolt.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (6/5/2011 3:54:01 PM)


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