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Black is the one who supposed to get creatures this horrible, not green.
Posted By: kajillion (9/27/2012 12:19:12 AM)


I agree with BorosRecruit and jfre81, this card could be effective with Cytoplast Manipulator or even Experiment Kraj. Get this guy out and let your opponent think you're giving him an advantage with those +1/+1 counters, then steal their creatures with the Manipulator or use their activated abilities against them with Kraj, or both.
Posted By: tankthebest (4/5/2012 11:45:11 AM)


I kinda like it with Hunter of Eyeblights! Force your opponent to either pump one of your creatures, or lose one of their own!
Posted By: LegoLeonidas (11/9/2012 4:05:46 PM)


Viewed as a drawback, his ability makes him worse than a lot of things. However, there are some cards that can turn it into an advantage:

Cytoplast Manipulator
Kulrath Knight
Experiment Kraj

And a few others.
Posted By: Arachnos (7/29/2013 12:45:52 PM)


"I'm sorry for sending a large beast to attack you. Here, have a spear."
- Phelddagrif
Posted By: Ferlord (9/9/2013 7:14:25 PM)


I agree, costing a mana or 2 less or having another power or 2 would have made him lovable
Posted By: omni8000 (12/25/2013 7:05:14 PM)


It should be noted; if he's the only guy on the field; they have to choose him. GB control can have access to a budget friendly 5/5 for 4 that continues growing.

He's a 4-turn clock if you play a heavy-handed control deck or are simply crafty. A RG deck with Volcanic Fallout can clear the board during the end step, then run this guy out there for a good bit of damage (and probably with haste!)

He's hardly "awesome", but fun casual decks can be had with him and again; if you're playing a brutal RG or BG control variant, he grows without any assistance; allowing you to Infest, Toxic Deluge, anger of the gods, etc; everyone else, while you get a growing creature.

With the number of boardwipes in EDH; I would've thought this would be a more popular card.
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/7/2014 1:39:02 PM)


Masques was slow and political, sort of like EDH. Cards like this aren't good as beatsticks, but they do have interesting roles to play. Look at the cycle of Mongers from Masques for another example of treacherous cards.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (1/9/2014 10:27:19 PM)


Comboing him with Cytoplast Manipulator is the new favourite trick, but this guy has more uses than you'd expect. If your opponent has no creatures, since Erithizon's ability is not optional, they have to put the counter on one of your guys. Since the ability targets, though, your opponent will also not be able to put the counter on any of their guys with Shroud. Heck, since you own Erithizon, they can't even choose their own creatures with Hexproof! Not a bad jab at those hexproof decks.

Erithizon also combos with Hunter of Eyeblights and/or Kulrath Knight, and since black is good at keeping your opponent's board clear, there's a good chance you'll get a fair number of free counters on your own guys.
Posted By: Kirbster (1/22/2014 12:23:47 PM)


At 2 mana this would have been broken. Attacking turn 3 with an unbuffed 4/4 is too good, even if you are giving their blocker a boost (its probably only going to be a 2/2 before the boost if you are going first). Just look at tarmogoyf. There's a reason its one of the best cards ever printed.
Posted By: jonrds (2/20/2014 4:35:25 PM)


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