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Community Rating: 4.118 / 5  (224 votes)
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Another one of the girls in my Casual group runs angels, and she murdered my usually-unbeatable red burn through this and a lot a white removal.
Posted By: SoulShatterer (6/28/2010 11:23:54 AM)


if you can get the 4 counters, it'll be game over once you start pooping out 4/4 angels. which is easy enough to do with cards like holy day, ethereal haze, kami of false hope--and that's only in white. play with green and use fog, tangle, etc.

Surprised it doesn't cost more to play or have mythic status.
Posted By: tantallum99 (4/14/2011 2:10:45 AM)


A brilliant win condition for white control. I love any card that makes winning a matter of sitting back and protecting myself until the climate's right.
Posted By: Zulp (4/12/2010 4:47:05 PM)


"This deck won me a pre-release. In limited, it essentially meant that my opponents had to deal me damage, or they would lose."

Wow, really? You win by dealing damage?

Posted By: gongshowninja (2/4/2010 10:35:29 AM)


For all of you doubters saying that it takes till turn 6 blah blah blah... this card is very good, but not in the flashy "I WIN THE GAME" way that you so fervently look for in every other card. for an investment of 2 mana (only one white, so easy for any color combination, not just mono white), you take the composure completely out of your opponent's deck, and make them come to you. this is not one of those conditional enchantments that they can just leave there and play as normal until they win. 4 counters on the ascension does not "sort of" help you, it allows you to pump out a 4/4 flier or 2 every turn, in addition to playing spells, at no loss of card advantage whatsoever. That will most certainly win you 95% of games, the exception being those ones where you are at 2 life and they have a bolt, regardless of your air force.In order to stop that eventuality, the opponent is forced to attack when it is not beneficial, or waste a direct damage spell on you rather than a key creature, ... (see all)
Posted By: Grimn777 (11/7/2009 2:58:16 PM)


Anyone who isn't rating this at least 4/5 hasn't played against it.

My brother-in-law has a casual RW standard deck that has one copy of this card in it. Every time he's played it, I've lost. In the last game I played against him, I got a turn 1 Archive Trap off and managed to snag 5-6 of his lands in one shot so he was stuck at 2 plains for most of the game. He still won. I emptied my hand trying to burn him on each of my turns (I play Grixis mill: Lightning Bolt/Blightning/Countersquall/etc) and stalled out because I drew a creature without haste too late in the game to make a difference. The ascension went active and I didn't have an answer for it, so I lost.

Even the best creatures' converted mana costs are usually at least equal to their power or toughness (i.e., Baneslayer Angel, Vampire Nighthawk). Paying 1W for a 4/4 flier at instant speed is obscene. At the very le... (see all)
Posted By: Musume (5/25/2010 8:32:31 PM)


or If you do play it in casual multiplayer, play a Dissipation Field

Posted By: pedrodyl (1/18/2012 3:11:20 PM)


This card scares me.
A lot.
Posted By: True_Mumin (9/26/2009 12:41:16 PM)


Luminarch ascension is obviously good, but your not playing it until at least turn 2 and you have to at least wait 4 more turns for it to gain the quest counters. Finding a way to not be taking any damage for 4 turns after your opponent sees you play it on the field against any aggro deck is unlikely. A lot of the new vampires specifically drain life. So, I think still a very good card, but it depends on the deck your playing against. Blue and green are obviously going to be a bit frustrated by this card (although rampaging baloths is like a creature with this ability), and I suspect red and black will simply deal out damage and stall any quest counter gaining for a long time.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (9/28/2009 2:50:07 PM)


love the art on this card
5/5 for the art ^^
Posted By: kittyspit (1/26/2010 7:23:54 AM)


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