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Community Rating: 2.037 / 5  (68 votes)
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Another boring, wasted potential, Metalcraft creature. Not to mention unplayable outside of Limited, and even then this thing will surely be a last pick.
God I hate it when they print obviously bad cards just to keep you buying more packs in the hopes of getting something useful.
Posted By: PrimeSonic (1/31/2011 6:55:32 AM)


Drunk Like A Rhino
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (2/1/2011 4:54:11 PM)


A big beater in Limited, as I would copy my opponent's with Cryptoplasm, then take their's with Corrupted Conscience.
Posted By: NecroticNobody (2/4/2011 7:59:57 PM)


I'd rate him slightly higer than the junky Hexplate Golem, only because he at least has Metalcraft. Still way overcosted, but whatever it's a junky common for Limited I guess. The artwork doesn't even look much like a rhino...
Posted By: TheGreatJman (2/16/2011 6:17:01 PM)


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