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Community Rating: 4.179 / 5  (42 votes)
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This card has soooo many good uses, this has to be THE most overlooked card I've seen. You guys all have great ideas, i mean really good, but check this out. Oracle of Mul Daya. It's that simple. Plop that beauty down, play scouting trek, and put all your lands on top of your library and bam! You got twenty or so lands in play. Then put bear umbra on whatever creature you play, and put out Emrakul, untap your lands, and play whatever other Huge fatty you got. Maybe a Krosan Cloudscraper or something. Or just drop Avenger of Zendikar and put 20 0/1 plants into play. It's endless.
Posted By: EvilCleavage (8/12/2010 12:52:31 PM)


Simple, This followed by Treasure Hunt with Seismic Assault in play.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/5/2012 2:18:56 PM)


This card is going to be insane in EDH with the new Borborygmos Enraged that just got spoiled for Gatecrash. Insane.
Posted By: Chosen_of_the_Dark_Sun (11/18/2012 9:40:51 PM)


Stack your basics, play Abundance and draw a card. Got Land's Edge out?

Posted By: Psychrates (2/22/2013 3:35:47 PM)


The new Urban Evolution, is nice.

A little combo-y: Run with Exploration and Horn of Greed (Or similar) for an explosive turn 3. Beware Armageddon
Posted By: BloodDragon (3/27/2013 9:46:46 AM)


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