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Posted By: Feralsymphony (4/29/2011 5:51:11 PM)


peer pressure got a new friend.
Posted By: supershawn (4/30/2011 4:03:24 PM)



From my understanding, it would trigger the "Ally" abilities. The second part of Xenograft is a static ability, and therefore does not use the stack and is always in effect. Thus I'm pretty sure Turntimber Ranger would see the tokens as Allies when they enter, in the same way that 0 toughness creatures (like Force of Savagery) do not automatically die if an effect like Glorious Anthem's is in play.
Posted By: Doom_Pie (6/13/2011 12:26:57 PM)


I usually use this thing in my illusion/artifact deck to make my arti-creats into illusions. Wurmcoil Engine gets funnier when it's a gigantic, Lord of the Unreal-buffed hexproof monstrosity (even moreso if you're mucking around with grand architects.
Posted By: Warriorpoet2006 (10/31/2011 7:34:52 AM)


to answer some questions - artifact is not a creature type, it is a separate type of card. For now. Who knows what they might do in the future. Also "Locus" is a land subtype. Omnath, Locus of Mana isn't of the "Locus" type, it's of the types "Legendary, Creature" and it's creature subtype is "Elemental". The word "Locus" can mean "center" or "source" so Omnath is quite literally just "Omnath the Mana Source".
Posted By: agentvirgo (12/13/2011 11:24:58 AM)


Ogre Slumlord.
Posted By: noobmag1 (5/3/2013 12:12:45 AM)


@Donovan_Fabian - "I make all my creatures eldrazi, now all my coloress artifact creatures can be powered out by eye of ugin and eldrazi temple, woot."

That doesn't work--at least not at the accelerated rate it seems you want it to. This is because there's a difference between creatures and creature cards. Your Memnite is only considered a creature when it's on the battlefield. Anywhere else--your hand, your graveyard, your library--and it's considered a creature card. More importantly, effects that affect creatures do not affect creature cards, and vice-versa, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Reread Xenograph's text. It says "Each creature you control..." This means it refers to creatures-- the cards already on the battlefield. It does not give the chosen creature type to creature cards. This means that choosing "Eldrazi" would not make creature cards in your hand Eldrazi, and so you couldn't use Eldrazi Temple... (see all)
Posted By: SnarkyOracle (5/13/2011 1:03:00 PM)


At first I thought the art showed a bunch of pods, but then I realized it was myr heads with little spines waiting to be grafted onto things.

Everything is myrs!
Posted By: Alluceanot (5/2/2011 12:06:51 AM)


...and that's how slivers made it to Mirrodin.
Posted By: Tetsu_tora (4/29/2011 4:00:49 PM)


If I choose "changeling", does that mean that all my creatures are all creature types at all times? Peer Pressure really gets dangerous then.
Posted By: CarlosLiberated (8/29/2012 2:27:36 PM)


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