Well, she's the toughest fighter...
My favorite of Avacyn's three angels by a long shot. Looks set to be an efficient 
beater in regular decks and as a Commander (Voltron, most likely). Her additional ability neuters a lot of strategies (Grave Pact, Annihilator, Edicts, etc.) but I'm sure there's some combo being dreamt up that involves it.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 7:30:50 PM)
Armadillo Cloak.
Sorry, had to say it.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 6:18:59 PM)
Well, those of you who missed Baneslayer Angel will hopefully find something to like here-
as in, one of the hardest creatures to remove *ever printed*,
and a nasty flier to boot, all for a measly 5 CMC.
Expect to see her a *lot* in the next couple of years.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 4:52:35 PM)
Hexproof + Evasion is always insane. Anyway, gogo G/W midrange.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 4:02:03 PM)
I never felt the need to build an EDH (commander) deck until I saw this card. It's a BEATSTICK that has to be be killed by boardsweeping abilities.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 6:08:09 PM)
Sigarda, I think they need you in Zendikar. How soon can you get there?
On a side note, why does it seem like the three archangels were tailor-made to work excellently with their respective Ravnica guilds? Other than the obvious fact that Ravnica is coming back next set? Seriously, Selesnya loves this kind of ability.
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 2:56:52 PM)
An absolute powerhouse. Can not wait.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 3:59:57 PM)
See, the problem with the Powerpuff Girls allegory is that Sigarda definitely has Blossom's personality while Gisela has Buttercup's.
Posted By:
(8/11/2012 7:54:19 AM)
This card is by far the best Legendary, if not THE best angel in Avacyn Restored simply due to the fact that she is the cheapest to cast out of all her sisters and is harder to remove than them, save Avacyn. In her colors, she can easily be cast turn four, and most players won't have an answer to a 5/5 hexproof flier that early in the game. 4.5/5 at least.
Posted By:
(5/13/2012 7:47:03 AM)
Get out Melira, slap a Darksteel Plate on her, and only Final Judgment and the various mass -x/-x cards can handle her.
Posted By:
(4/29/2012 10:06:49 PM)