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Community Rating: 3.967 / 5  (106 votes)
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Cheaper Divination in many burn decks. Instant-speed draw. Enables flashback.
Posted By: steev (4/26/2012 6:54:59 PM)


"What have you got to lose?"

My hand.

I like my hand.
Posted By: Salient (7/25/2013 7:29:24 PM)


You're red. If you have a hand when you cast this, you're doing it wrong.

Posted By: RJDroid (4/27/2012 11:04:58 AM)


This is perhaps singularly the only card in this entire set that may see play in Pauper. However, outside of a mono-red burn deck (and possibly sligh), I don't know where it will find a home. Either way, it's definitely one of the few (only?) cards I will be looking forward to tinkering with.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (4/28/2012 9:41:09 PM)


I LOVE the card and think the art and flavor text suck.
Posted By: lorendorky (4/26/2012 9:25:00 PM)


If this doesn't see standard I don't know what will.
Posted By: RAV0004 (4/27/2012 5:44:01 PM)


I dunno whether this is good or not- the only reason it might not be good, is if it turns out the new Wheel of Fortune Miracle makes Red-Blue more desirable and powerful than mono-Red.
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/29/2012 6:29:54 PM)


in one word: madnessreanimatordredge
Posted By: don_miguel (5/9/2012 2:36:09 PM)


I think I prefer this over Faithless Looting in mono-red at least. If it's combined with other colors though you might want to keep your hand. Instant speed is pretty sweet though.
Posted By: rollinsclone (8/26/2012 9:34:44 AM)


This card is clutch. You curve out and run out of steam very quickly in red deck wins, goblin grenade decks, burn decks, etc. Instant speed makes me say it's playable in more formats then just standard. You don't even have to keep mana open for it, during my upkeep, tap two to draw 3 instead, it's priceless, swear to god. This is a different card from faithless looting. With faithless looting, you are trying to set up a combo. With this, you are trying to simply not run out of steam. Imagine 4 of these in a deck and dangerous wagering into a second copy, and just going off. Imagine this costing 1 mana with Goblin Electromancer. This card is an instant speed 2 mana divination in decks that have no real "clutch"/expensive cards. They could have made it RedRed, and it would still be great. I wish this was reprinted in m13, instead of Wild Guess so I co... (see all)
Posted By: Ligerman30 (11/13/2012 6:13:00 PM)


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