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It's a toss-up on the art. The new art is more menacing and shows ol' Kinky off better, but the old art shows his ability better. Still deliciously combo-rific.
Posted By: Ideatog (4/23/2012 1:40:43 PM)


Infinte power combo with Restoration Angel... Simply copy the angel, then flicker Kiki, repeat, attack for a million. Fun times.
Posted By: Raszero (6/30/2012 11:56:33 AM)


I love the new art for this card and it seems like an incredibly appropriate choice for From the Vault: Legends. This card acts as a win condition with Deceiver Exarch and Restoration Angel - by creating infinite haste tokens the turn it enters the battlefield (because when the tokens enter they either untap or blink Kiki-Jiki allowing the process to be repeated) and similarly with Thornbite Staff and Tar Pitcher.

Attach a Thornbite Staff to Kiki-Jiki and also a Thornbite Staff to Tar Pitcher (made easier by the free equip cost to Shamans) and copy the Tar Pitcher. Then use the original Tar Pitcher to sacrifice the token dealing 2 damage to an opponent. This untaps Kiki-Jiki and the Tar Pitcher for this process to be repeated infinitely. Although there are lots of similar combos such as with Skirk Prospector and Fireball like burn spells, these Thornb... (see all)
Posted By: TyomDrettar (12/28/2012 6:04:53 PM)


bleh I never liked kiki-jiki and just don't see how the heck he got so high in price. He was overrated in Kamigawa and rarely made shows in decks except for the once in a blue moon kiki-jiki/intruder alarm decks usually with mystic snake as the win condition.
Posted By: rmd1983 (9/27/2012 9:16:14 AM)


Just like Splinter Twin, if you target your Deciever Exarch and use it's ETB effect on him, you can make infinite tokens with only a two-card combo. Seems legit.
Posted By: Valencio (11/20/2011 8:33:50 AM)


Splinter Twin with body that triggers 'when a creature dies' effect. 4.5/5!!!
Posted By: Ezuna (11/25/2011 6:05:01 AM)


A great combo is: this card + Thornbite Staff and Tar Pitcher + Thornbite Staff= damage forever!
Tap this card equipped with Thornbite Staff , copy the Tar Pitcher(also equipped with Thornbite Staff).
Tap the Tar Pitcher, sacrifice the token, the token will be sending for the graveyard and activate the effect of Thornbite Staff (untap the Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Tar Pitcher). Repeat this process many times as necessary!
Posted By: aspklein (2/5/2012 11:11:06 AM)


This guy is awesome in so many ways...

For starters, he completely changes how combat works. He lets you attack in situations where trading would normally put you at a disadvantage. Copy a lord-type card and pump your dudes for a turn, or crash in aggressively with a throw-away token. On the defensive side of things, attackers have to play around the prospect of consistently trading with or being chump-blocked by expendable copies.

Also, he combos with practically everything, most obviously Intruder Alarm. Any fatty or creature with useful enter/leave-the-battlefield ability is also a prime candidate for mirroring. Copy my evoked Mulldrifter, and attack with the copy? Yes please!

While Mirror Gallery and this card made all sorts of lights go off in my brain, his ability doesn't work on legendary creatures, so exponential gratuitous goblin goodness is out of the question. Still, the only thing I can think of that's better... (see all)
Posted By: Andrays (2/20/2012 6:33:34 PM)


Make sure your opponent has all his creatures tapped (or Lightning Bolt the only blocker) and most of his lands as well...
Attach Breath of Fury to Goblin Lackey to attack to put down Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker (this card) to tap to copy Goblin Lackey, and attach Breath of Fury to it, (and this is all on the stack before sacrificing the actual Goblin Lackey because of Breath of Fury). Then you get an additional combat stage and untap all creatures, copy the Goblin Lackey token, then attack with the one with Breath of Fury, attach it to the other Goblin Lackey token and rinse and repeat! And yeah you can put a stronger Goblin because of Goblin Lackey, feel free to copy and replace Breath of Fury with that stronger Goblin, to just make the game end quicker. Then you keep on attacking forever till your opponent is dead. Game over. No need to attack anymore. No fun to just keep attacking the dead. xD
Posted By: JungaThunda (2/22/2012 7:31:04 AM)


Watch out for this dude, he's powering up.
Posted By: Elerium (4/7/2012 11:37:49 AM)


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