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Community Rating: 2.134 / 5  (41 votes)
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I want to see the rhystic mechanic make a comeback, albeit with more of the damned-if-you-do, really-damned-if-you-don't mechanics like the one on Rhystic Study. If this were the case, however, I think this card would make a great reprint... colorshifted to red. With similar effects like Burning Inquiry, Wild Guess, and Faithless Looting that have been printed recently, this would fit perfectly into the red slot of a new cycle of rhystic spells.

"The real trick is to ask when they're all dead."
-Jaya Ballard, task mage
Posted By: Gandlodder (10/18/2013 4:32:20 PM)


The only thing good about this card is how the flavor text sort of breaks the fourth wall. Apparently WotC didn't learn that punisher cards that are actually Concentrate with a drawback aren't very good, because they printed Distant Memories later.
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (4/15/2014 5:43:47 PM)


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