So someone pointed out to me, this works quite well with a copy instant (or a few), as well as some spell or ability to shuffle your graveyard when you need to (including an Emmy in your deck can work for this purpose; including a singleton Temporal Cascade can also work, though when you use it it'll strip you and your opponent of your hands - though you can easily rebuild with experiment).
But in any case, you cast a decent sized experiment (my latest one was an X=8 powered by three Seething Songs), and then copy it with your copy instant. Hopefully, your copy can flip over into other copy spells, which you can then use to copy the original. Continue until you miss a copy spell, or your opponent is dead. Works even better with an active Pyromancer Ascension, as your copies get copied, and all your other casts get copied.
As a result of that X=8 I think I ended up getting about 4 or 5 X=8 Experiment casts off, and ultimately got around 4 or 5 extra turns off of Time Warps. In those 4... (see all)
Posted By:
(1/6/2013 8:13:31 AM)
Epic Experiment into Apocalypse and Enduring Ideal, into Barren Glory
Posted By:
(3/13/2013 9:27:53 PM)
Gen-Izzet Wave.
Posted By:
(9/25/2012 10:21:53 PM)
This + a Guttersnipe or two = win.
Posted By:
(9/26/2012 9:00:58 PM)
Temporal Mastery and Increasing Vengeance, you say?
Posted By:
(12/24/2012 12:45:48 PM)
The Izzet's answer to Genesis Wave. My mind is boggling with the possibilities! I definitely would have one (or both?) of their guildmages to help, though!
@Lotsofpoopy: No, you cannot use this to get free Overloads. A real "pro" would know the rules of the game. Overload is an alternate cost, and this card only permits you to pay the mana cost for free. Either you play the single-target version or you pitch it into the grave. Additional costs, like kickers or buyback, are a different story however.
Posted By:
(9/26/2012 10:06:17 PM)
Awww, Wizards, you kindly folks you. I was just updating my Riku Commander deck, and you go and print this. I would love getting a Past in Flames off on this as well, both to reuse anything already in the graveyard (mana allowing), and so that all those lovely spells I just spat out can be cast again later. Including Epic Experiment.
Posted By:
(9/25/2012 3:17:11 PM)
Right, I'm gonna actually get real hate-mail from judges now because of that Knowledge Pool deck and because people will actually HAVE these, unlike Mind's Desire, so judges will actually have to go to tables where some Wise Guy just couldn't NOT press that BIG, SHINY, BUTTON LABELLED ''DO NOT BLOW UP THE WORLD''.
I LOVE the Izzet Guild!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Posted By:
(9/26/2012 8:52:38 PM)
Epic Experiment into Teleportal with a Kiln Fiend or Wee Dragonauts on the field. Have fun.
Posted By:
(12/12/2012 3:00:15 PM)