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Community Rating: 2.961 / 5  (38 votes)
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Great card. Auras are usually bad for card advantage, sure. But when this sticks, it's great. The drawback's not so bad.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/7/2013 1:23:12 AM)


C'mon you were going to attack anyways. This can also be used in a pinch to destroy an opponent's creature... for example if you enchant this on an opponent's Souls of the Faultless.
Posted By: tcollins (1/15/2014 3:40:06 PM)


Being that the text says "Destroy" and not "Sacrifice" you could put this on an indestructible creature and not have to attack every turn, could you not?
Posted By: pfcpat12 (2/26/2014 3:46:23 AM)


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