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Community Rating: 2.123 / 5  (73 votes)
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What some people seem to overlook is that, as a reward for jumping through the hoops, not only do you get an extra turn, but you effectively draw 5 cards.

Unfortunately it seems like you want to run mono-blue to play this (since a ***genized mana base will make activating the city easier) and in a multi-colored set, there just isn't enough support for mono-blue.

@Hobaley You don't really lose 5 cards as those 5 cards that are exiled are just 5 cards that you would have spent 5 draws getting. If anything it's more like self-milling 5 cards.
Posted By: Steric (9/27/2012 6:53:47 AM)


Anyone else kinda hope lotsofpoopy is actually a pro with a sense of humour?
Posted By: VirusVescichetta (10/12/2012 8:20:05 PM)


Woo, what a stinker. There is not a format that currently exist where this card is playable. Limited you can't count on having a multiple of the exile cards, Constructed you want a 5 drop that does something.

So it defaults to casual where it is most likely played turn 5 and may have a chance around 5 turns later to gain an extra turn if everything goes smoothly? Even in the most casual setting, your opponent probably has you beat by then (by playing a real card on turn 5) and if you beat them by then you essentially Time Walked yourself by wasting your turn 5 on this (though it may have helped draw a few cards along the way).

I just can't imagine wanting this in a deck -- ever. Worst rare in the set in my opinion.

"I’ve searched for a reason to play this, and came up empty." -LSV
Posted By: RedAtrocitus (10/23/2012 6:51:59 PM)


That sunset... This card is a gift that keeps on giving, can effectively double burn and removal if you're lucky.
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (9/25/2012 5:39:13 PM)


This seems to be a desperate top-down design like Coral Reef, except I don't know here what the heck it's trying to tell me.
Posted By: Antares2 (9/30/2012 5:44:05 PM)


I'll admit, if it wasn't for the comments on this card I wouldn't have realized it can basically draw 5 cards for you on top of being a time warp.

When I see a card like I wonder how different its rating would be if only people who had this explained to them had rated it. I bet more than half the people who rated this missed out on the same thing me and many others did.
Posted By: Moxxy (12/10/2012 2:34:40 PM)


Oh okay, at first I thought this was a really bad time warp. Now its starting to make sense. My faith in WotC is being restored!

Guys, this is time warp + draw 5 cards, just got to wait at least 5 turns.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/10/2012 3:05:10 PM)


The 5 drop staple in Mental Magic.. Just saying.
Posted By: Firesplitter. (9/26/2012 3:33:51 AM)


In a casual, non-Commander game, you have lots of time, and you will probably draw 5 cards and take an extra turn before the game ends. Well worth it, I think.

In a faster-paced game, Search the City is effectively a 5 mana sorcery that slowly draws up to 5 cards with a very slim chance of giving you an extra turn. You just don't have the time to make it work, and the cards will probably come too late to save you. I think you'll usually be better off with Think Twice because the mana is easier to pay for AND you are guaranteed cards immediately. I can see Search the City working in a deck that's excessively good at stalling the game, but even then, I have my doubts.
Posted By: LordZogar (10/23/2012 8:26:02 PM)


That is a lot of trouble for an extra turn. Wouldn't you rather just win the game?
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (9/30/2012 9:26:37 PM)


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