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love the art, but yeah it sux
Posted By: GrimGorgonBC (10/28/2009 10:50:03 PM)


Better versions exist, but not in black, so that's a point in its favor.
Posted By: Radagast (11/4/2011 11:19:06 AM)


And just in case no one noticed, this predates Propaganda and Ghostly Prison.

I feel they strongly misused the Enchant World mechanic here. It does not create a global effect at all. Of course, they did it to prevent you from laying down two of them. Kamigawa later just went right on ahead and slapped the Legendary supertype on enchantments (which was not possible since it did not exist until Kamigawa.)...
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (3/4/2012 10:55:47 PM)


I think that this is one of the better cards in Homelands. I think I will be putting 1 in my Homlands only Constructed deck. Seriously.
Posted By: Conservator (3/10/2013 7:58:49 AM)


Not only is it cool that this effect is in black but note that some creatures like the Lorwyn merfolk like being tapped. Being tapped means you may actually splash black in to get double duty out of your enchantment rather than just use propaganda.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/31/2013 10:00:33 AM)


Read the card. The "drawback" is to tap an untapped creature... during your upkeep. Untap, upkeep, draw. If you have one creature it will be fine. I just tap an eventide untap card.
Posted By: LordOfTheUniverseMCS (7/27/2013 5:23:52 AM)


For Mono black decks, this thing is a powerhouse!
Posted By: Beladona_13 (10/7/2013 1:41:35 PM)


This is certainly a solid card. Tapping a potential blocker is no big cost if you're likely going to be attacked by fewer creatures, and the effect is made more valuable by being unusual in black.

My only complaint is a small one, but... why are the falls an Enchant World? Those were usually global enchantments that affected everything - all creatures lose flying, all players play with their hands revealed, etc. This effect is very one-sided: you have to pay an upkeep to support it, but its effect only benefits you. Why isn't it a plain old enchantment? Maybe to keep players from using multiples...?
Posted By: Kirbster (11/5/2013 3:36:08 PM)


Breath life into this with new inspired creatures, like King Macar
Posted By: kiseki (5/13/2014 10:42:18 PM)


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