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awsome if thehy dont counter it play your finisher if they do then you know they have another counter (other wise why counter this it would be a waste) and you jsut dont play your finisher. plus it replaces itself
Posted By: 18scsc (10/8/2010 12:50:57 PM)


considering that this is sorcery speed (meaning you can't cast it in response to anything) you could easily use silence orim's chant or autumn's veil as an almost always better alternative.

You're normally using this to secure a game winning spell, so the extra card doesn't mean anything.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (10/31/2010 2:01:34 AM)


That bluffing potential. By itself you can bait the opponent into panicking with a counter, and if they don't fall for it then you at least got to draw a card for R.
Posted By: Raibys (4/28/2013 8:50:31 AM)


I don't see how silence and orim's chant would be better options. If the spell you want to cast is an instant or sorcery, I'd say this is better.

The extra card DOES mean something. With this card, you can main-deck 1 or 2, and it wouldn't really hurt you that much. At worst, it's a 1 red mana cycle. What if the spell you want to cast WON'T end the game, but will make a huge difference? Drawing that card could mean you win later, but without it, you may not end up winning.

You can't respond to counterspells with orim's chant or silence. They may have other uses as a semi-timewalk, but I wouldn't say they are almost always better.

Autumn's veil is not a bad choice, but you pretty much have to keep it on your sideboard. It's still effective, but I'd still say it's not almost always better than this.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/26/2013 8:27:25 AM)


A3Kitsune: That argument has been invalid everywhere except, like Limited for practically ever.

Dual Lands. good decks are usually 2- or 3- colored.

A card's strength determines whether or not you play its color.
A card's color does not prevent you from making your deck strong.

For the record, I've changed my mind on whether the card is 'totally terrible' or not. I was right to have a problem with it, but wrong in putting my finger with what the problem is.

This and Quicken and probably Savage Summoning are mostly bad in most situations, EXCEPT where they are COMPLETELY AWESOME. The BIG issue is: there is no way to deny it: they flat-out increase the CMC of whatever you are actually trying to do. They turn a 4-mana good spell into a 5-mana great spell, or they turn a 2-mana threat into a 3-mana threat.

Time is Mana. Or something. Anything that makes spells cheaper is valued very highly, with Freeness of spells being the next best thin... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/17/2013 12:24:15 AM)


This is not a terrible spell. At the very worst, it's cycling for a single Red. At best, it can protect your game-winning spell. It is a super narrow design, however, and that makes it inflexible in a time when creatures are much better than spells most of the time. However, it does have its place in certain kinds of decks, especially in a meta with many hard counters.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/7/2014 5:49:16 AM)


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