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Community Rating: 3.565 / 5  (31 votes)
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Love this card in EDH. I have a saproling deck, and between this, Rhys, and Saproling Symbiosis, I get a stupid amount of saps on the board. Very fun!
Posted By: endersblade (1/16/2012 2:58:51 PM)


Turn 5, Kessig Cagebreakers. Turn 6, this. BAMPF. More winmore, so you can win more winmore while you win more win.
Posted By: Salient (4/15/2012 6:48:55 PM)



Would you not Crash of Wurms with Doubling Season, for 6, then flashback for 12, then Parallel Evolution for 36 (put double the number you would thanks to Doubling Season), then flashback for 108?

Play a playset of Doubling Season, Parallel Lives, Crash of Wurms and Parallel Evolution and get enough mana and cards and you get 499,608 6/6 Wurms, for 2997648 power swinging. This is fun, but so impractical there's no point actually trying it. There are better combos, like vampire hexmage/dark depths and painters servant/grindclock. KISS (Keep It Simple Silly)
Posted By: Megadog (1/23/2013 12:19:02 AM)


Populate ALL the creatures!
Posted By: HuntingDrake (2/10/2014 4:18:50 AM)


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