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Community Rating: 4.226 / 5  (62 votes)
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Great card.
Immune to black and red killspells, immune to infect, immune to deathtouch, first strike to a certain degree...
Posted By: KabsBUB (4/3/2012 2:13:30 PM)


A pretty big winner from Judgment. Plays well with auras and equipment and dodges most nonwhite removal. Competitive even with today's 3-5 mana fatties, I'd say.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (5/25/2012 3:00:24 PM)


It's really easy to look at this and say "damn that's a good card"..

without noticing the 2/0 instead of 0/0 on the bottom. This guy is *really* good. I mean like... impressively "don't *** about powercreep to me" good.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/13/2013 7:52:47 AM)


Do not underestimate this card like I did. It's really hard to get rid of this guy especially with the pro black, and if they are using an effect to pump his toughness, he'll be even more annoying. This guy will eat through multiple creatures/removal spells no problem and starts aggressively costed as a 5/3 for four. I got wrecked by this card in cube draft.
Posted By: lilwolf2005 (12/29/2013 8:53:17 PM)


Judgment was around the time I quit buying new cards for a long time, because there was a lot of garbage in it, and it seemed to be regressing further from Mercadian Masques that had a lot of cards I liked, and a lot of stuff I wouldn't even play as a joke. If there was a bit of jank in Masques, there were eight bits of jank in Judgment. Yes, Hunting Grounds was awesome, but so was Hymn to Tourach in Fallen Empires. All that cool GreenWhite stuff was reaction to imbalance in the previous sets, and this was the beginning of the weakening of BlackBlue.

This, however, would be excellent today at uncommon as it was in its set and would fit in well both with the centaurs and spirits in recent releases, plus other cards like Bred For The Hunt as of late that give perks for creatures with +1/+1 counters.

Run with Leyline of Punishment if you want it to take damage normally. Can still be proliferated. Pro-black in green is always great.... (see all)
Posted By: jfre81 (4/10/2014 10:53:09 PM)


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