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I like this wording change. Saves some space on the card, and prevents abuse with blink/bounce/sacrifice. I hope this isn't the last we see of effects like this.
Posted By: ThisisSakon (7/9/2013 5:19:50 PM)


Goodbye, Cloudshift shenanigans. Can't say I'll miss you, you were nothing but a screwy loophole exploitation.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (7/9/2013 10:44:04 PM)


I'm delighted to see people agree that the new un-abusable wording is better :D
Posted By: lorendorky (7/10/2013 3:17:29 AM)


Huzzah for new, not broken wording!
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (8/14/2013 2:50:32 PM)


I appreciate the offensive boost but the loss of stack shenanigans is disheartening.
Posted By: MRK1 (8/26/2013 7:36:41 AM)


A strictly worse version of fiend hunter.

If you could Exile your own permament it would be amazing. But WOTC likes to dumb it down.
Posted By: Rancid_Raptor (12/6/2013 1:39:02 PM)


"You have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms, and innocent lives to the horror. and desolation. of War! You are unworthy of these realms! Your are unworthy of your title, You are Unworthy! I now take from you, your Power, and your Freedom, in the name of my Father, and his Father before! I therefore CAST YOU OUT!"

I mean....there wasn't room for it.....maybe if the shrank the font. x3
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/15/2013 12:04:08 AM)


Well, it's a faceless butcher. Slightly worse faceless butcher. Sure, it the one point of additional toughness the butcher has is rarely worth the one point of mana, however, the butcher can exile your own creatures. This one can't. Like, play butcher, exile your best creature, play "destroy all permanents" or similiar effects, and your exiled guy returns. You can't do that with the banisher priest.

Still, it's a good card. But only in fast formats. In formats like Commander, or other multiplayer formats, it's not as good, since the exiled card will almost always return when you don't it to. And that especially hurts after someone played mass removal, and the thing you wanted to get rid of is now the only creature on the table.

There is also still the trick where you play this guy, and in response to it's triggered ability, you kill or bounce it or have it leave the battlefield in another way. So the "return part" triggers first, when there is nothing to return, and the exile part tr... (see all)
Posted By: majinara (7/17/2013 2:46:34 AM)


I don't see how you can't abuse this. Sure you can't use it on your own guys, but you can still permanently exile their creatures. so you play the priest and in response to the etb ability, bounce or flicker him, let his etb ability resolve and then permanently exile.
Posted By: alblast (7/15/2013 8:00:32 AM)


The only thing I don't like about the new template is that it'll leave the old cards alone. My OCD is kicking in here. It's kinda like the difference between lifelink and the previous lifelink-like ability.
Posted By: blurrymadness (8/10/2013 1:55:56 AM)


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