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How original white. A heroic card that gives +1/+1 counters? Never seen dat before.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/28/2014 5:34:01 PM)


Hey look, it's another creature that has no place anywhere but in Limited--and even then, only if you can figure out what spells you'd cast on it that won't kill it. Heroic is like that though, isn't it? All about Limited--definitely not for Constructed unless you look past Standard and literally pour through the 10,000+ cards looking for good enablers. Still, I'm not sure all the hassle is worth it. Heroic has no place in Modern and I'd be very surprised if it could get past mono-blue in Pauper.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (1/28/2014 9:16:32 PM)


Apart from Planar Chaos esqe shenanigans, this is the closest we'll get to a male angel.
Posted By: Daxos_of_Meletis (2/12/2014 12:10:47 AM)


Cheap +1/+1 heroic guy with built-in evasion? That's quite nice really. Especially if you take in account that there are some 3 (or lower) cost bestow out there on the same set (Nyxborn Shieldmate, Everflame Eidolon, Nyxborn Rollicker), so you can easily curve with this guy and bestowing him with one of these enchants the turn after.
Posted By: Dabok (2/13/2014 3:47:31 PM)


I got 2nd place in a sealed tournament using 2 of these and some combat tricks. They grow into some serious threats in limited. Grab them when you can, they are good.
Posted By: Zoltantf (2/16/2014 4:01:38 PM)


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