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Community Rating: 3.870 / 5  (54 votes)
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"Best archetype in the cycle. Makes an army of chump blockers into a reputable force. "
You mean Heliod, God of the Sun, right?
Posted By: PastProphet (2/2/2014 10:54:15 AM)


you guys DO NOT REALIZE how STRONG this card is until you already have 3 or 4 guys out. Even hydras stop attacking. at pre-release, i had a 3/1, a 2/1, a 2/2 and this. that was 9 first strike damage ready to block anything. i eventually got out a small flier and poked to him to within Dauntless Onslaught range.
Posted By: ToAsTy42o (2/2/2014 4:10:39 PM)


I tore up the prerelease with this card! Best Archetype in the set!
Posted By: Quizziel (2/4/2014 4:04:49 PM)


This card is probably the best Archetype of them all. He is cheap and makes every creature you have a threat.
Posted By: Guest1225018570 (2/13/2014 11:14:38 AM)


This may be one of the best costed of the five Archetypes, in that his ability is as strong as the higher costing Archetypes, but remains rather cheaply costed. For that reason alone, I think this card is sweet, factor in the fact that giving all your creatures First Strike puts you in a very good defensive position, this card is just plain great.
Posted By: Dabok (2/13/2014 3:50:35 PM)


Can someone please alter the art on this to show the Cowardly Lion from "The Wizard of Oz"?
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (2/20/2014 9:02:14 AM)


Although the 3-drop block in white is hella cluttered, this card is a must have in mono-white EDH soldier tribal. Love it!
Posted By: WolfWhoWalks (3/8/2014 5:14:45 PM)


For mono-white, this is a clear choice over Knighthood. Not only is the effect superior, but this enchantment can also swing!
Posted By: Raexs (3/15/2014 9:37:16 PM)


THIS is a nice Chieftain en-Dal!
Posted By: HuntingDrake (3/23/2014 5:51:33 PM)


Hmm, Apparently this guy, and those like him were originally in New Phyrexia,
*scroll to just under the picture of Elesh Norn*

They used to be called Elites* but were cut when the Praetor's replaced them

I wonder if any WotC employee will notice this and make a note here...

Im glad this guy did eventually make it into MTG, all the Archetypes are much stronger then they look, and they all look really strong

*although personally I prefer the name 'Archetype'

4/5 Stars

May 18th, 2014
Posted By: Hunter06 (5/18/2014 6:00:56 AM)


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