Turn a random Saproling into a better Archivist? Sold!
The nebula exploding eyes are just a bonus.
Posted By:
(1/28/2014 9:29:27 PM)
I like it because:
- high synergy with "when this untaps" and "when this taps" triggering creatures
- also high synergy with any creatures that have "untap" as a cost in an ability
- events out the risk of card disadvantage caused by it being an aura quite quickly.
I don't like it, because:
A decent four mana sorcery draws you three cards. This card also costs three mana and can only be played at sorcery speed. However:
- without a creature you can't play it (and when you really need this card, you probably won't have many cards on hand, so you probably won't have a creature card on hand)
- if the creature is flickered or bounced or whatever the aura is lost (and of course also when the creature is killed)
- that sorcery gives you the cards right now and then, the aura needs three or four turns, depending on whether the creature has summoning sickness or not. And if the creatures lives that long. And you can't attack with it during that time either.
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 2:15:49 PM)
Auger Spree, Death Grasp, and now this. I'm starting to think that Swanland might just be one of my favorite mtg artists, despite the silly last name (why do all of the best Magic artists have silly last names??)
Posted By:
(2/6/2014 6:04:49 PM)
Awesome card. And incredible artwork.
Posted By:
(1/30/2014 5:50:33 AM)
brb, building an eye deck with ophidian eye, ocular halo, and foresee
Posted By:
(4/6/2014 12:53:33 AM)