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The big thing about this is that, like Wall of Blossoms, it's a cantrip since it triggers for itself.
Which means card advantage for you even if your opponent immediately destroys it with removal.

This could have become a big deal for 1GreenGreen instead.

I don't think this needed to be double-green at four mana, however.
Too bad it's still just a fragile 2/2 as well. Should have had 4 toughness like Wall of Blossoms if you ask me.

Oh well. It does still have some uses. It's just awesome with Gift of Immortality, which allows for an extra card on each (player's) turn when cast on a creature that can be sacced, e.g. Saffi Eriksdotter or Kami of False Hope.
If you use Rootrunner, you also get a surprisingly hilarious (and powerful) softlock!
Posted By: Mode (4/25/2014 4:35:54 PM)


All of you that are complaining about - should have been tougher, should have lower cmc, should have blah blah, blah - you need to check yourselves. This card is value town all day. It cantrips itself for crying out loud. It turns God-Favored General into make two soldiers and draw two cards. It turns all the auras that are already cantrips into double cantrips.
Wizards is trying to balance out their game and I applaud them for striving for balance.
Great Job on this block Wizards. It has been a lot of fun to play. Plus you have actually succeeded in making life gain very relevant.
The only thing I really bemoan about this set is that Yoked Ox was a perfectly viable vanilla common, something I actually admire. But he was outclassed in the very next breath with Lagonna-Band Trailblazer. I hate it when you guys do that.
Otherwise: Kudos (which is actually a Greek word for acclaim or praise)

Posted By: Phelplan (4/28/2014 11:07:22 AM)


I guess it's ok, but definitely not worthy of the buy-a-box-promo title.
Posted By: Half-Penny (5/1/2014 6:02:36 PM)


This card interacts with Enchanted Evening in a pretty awesome way.

Since permanents you control enter the battlefield as enchantments, this card essentially says "Whenever a permanent enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card."

It's a casual combo, but still a neat one nonetheless.
Posted By: KarnRestarted (5/9/2014 10:42:18 AM)


I've been testing this out in a B/G shell in Standard. No Dredge... just B/G with lots of enchantment creatures.

Eidolon of Blossoms is broken. Genuinely, honestly, game-warpingly broken. Like the best broken cards, it appears to be unassuming at first, but I assure you it is definitely insane.

First off, it absolutely demands that it is answered once it hits the battlefield - and does so at no cost to you. If your opponent lets you trigger even a single additional draw, then you're in Value Town.

If you have even one of these out, then nearly every creature you play replaces itself. As soon as the second Eidolon hits, then you completely bury your opponent in an unstoppable wave of card advantage.
Posted By: YiffyRaptor (5/12/2014 11:31:10 PM)


I'm going to be so upset if the enchantment block with the enchantment enchantress doesn't make an Enchantress deck.
Posted By: infernox10 (5/15/2014 2:15:25 AM)


The self-cantrip, the fact that she is herself an enchantment, as well as the synergy with etb effects such as Genesis Wave, make it well worth the extra cost compared to Verduran Enchantress, imho. The 2/2 body is also nice, since green tends to have a number of Overrun type effects at its disposal.

Furthermore, even at 4cmc, with enchantment ramp and Arbor Elf you can get this out turn two. e.g.:

turn 1: forest, Arbor Elf
turn 2: forest, Utopia Sprawl, this

In this case, the higher cmc is less of a concern than it might be normally, and well worth the additional card advantage that you get in both the short and long-term.
Posted By: deep_shadow (5/15/2014 1:59:07 PM)


This card is insane in the right deck. Then it becomes ridiculous if you get two on the board at the same time... 5/5
Posted By: aaglo (5/26/2014 2:13:49 PM)


Constellation was a great wrap-up for the Theros block. But Wizards, don't you think you could have fit in just a COUPLE more for good ones (especially for red and blue)?
Posted By: AnnoyingFogGuy (5/27/2014 9:55:25 PM)


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