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Community Rating: 4.398 / 5  (59 votes)
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Man o man, this one deserves a reprint. He got completely overlooked during his time in standard, as green was practically a non-entity during oddessy-mirrodin and mirrodin-kamigawa. Poor guy. I mean, even by modern creature standards, this guy is outstanding. Kinda shows you what kind of jank mirrodin block was when stuff like this, the slith, and beacon of creation are just not good enough to deal with Mirrodin's resident elephant in the room.

Anyway wizards, cmon, core set reprint? Please?
Posted By: Guest1381794618 (7/17/2012 6:29:47 AM)


Pretty awesome, but haste is almost mandatory for him to work.
Posted By: Totema (12/19/2012 8:54:48 PM)


Could be fun with Wild Beastmaster.
4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/17/2013 6:58:38 PM)


Surprisingly, this is the only card in Magic that costs 1GreenGreenGreen.
Posted By: Pick15 (2/22/2013 9:55:06 AM)


As long as you have a way to keep it alive, with cards like gigantic growth and the likes this card could cause some serious trouble.
And add an attack hungry crowd around it...
Posted By: Shockwave07 (3/22/2013 2:16:16 PM)


Combos with Nylea, God of the Hunt!
Posted By: lorendorky (9/18/2013 11:56:25 PM)


@theswarm: I get it, I'm jewish
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (11/1/2013 1:56:11 PM)


A bit fragile for my taste. Contributing a whole fourth turn to a creature with only two toughness is pretty risky. If your opponent plays any color but green, you can pretty much count on them slamming a removal spell to deal with this guy almost immediately. In that sense, I can give it some praise as a very viable lightning rod. Once this guy gets swinging though, I can see how he would be very aggressive and well ahead of the curve. The biggest problem I have with that is that your opponent will ALWAYS just block it down the turn you swing, since even then it is only three toughness. it would be very rare that you would get to swing twice or more with this guy. On top of all of that, the fact that you have to attack with the creatures you want to pump can make combat sort of awkward.

Anyways, good card, but a bit overrated. 4/5
Posted By: Slyfox7777777 (5/28/2014 8:34:22 PM)


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